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英[ˌænek'seɪʃn] 美[ˌænek'seɪʃn]

  1. incorporation by joining or uniting

  2. the formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or occupation;

    "the French annexation of Madagascar as a colony in 1896"
    "a protectorate has frequently been a first step to annexation"

1. 合并:annex 附件 |annexation 合并 | annexe 附加物

2. 附加;合并;附加物:annex 附加物;附件;附录;附属建筑物;增建部分 |annexation 附加;合并;附加物 | annihilation 歼灭;湮灭

3. 連接關係;附加:Annamese Vietnamese 安南語(越南語的舊稱) |annexation 連接關係;附加 | annomination 類語重疊;雙關語

It had been his great - grandfather Micach who had engineered the annexation of Hawail.

夏威夷的归并是他的 曾祖父 麦卡茨一手操纵的.

It was part of Palestine from 1923 until its annexation by Jordan in 1948.


Ancient people Fumio established and indisputable zhaotuo, the anti - annexation of the territory was zhaotuo.

古蜀人建立的文郎国和赵佗争地, 反 被赵佗兼并了国土.

annexation in this connection refers to the act of attaching or affixing property to property.


His reign, defeated the rival Assyrian Urartu, Syria conquered the entire region, the annexation of Babylon.

他统治时期, 打败了亚述的劲敌乌拉尔图, 征服了整个叙利亚地区, 兼并了巴比伦.

Quickening the Pace of the annexation and Bankruptcy and Advancing the Optimization and Reorganization of Enterprises.


As a new phenomenon in China , cityannexationresultsin problems of urban form, whichconsiderablylimitsthe urbandevelopmentsof annexation - typed cities.

城市兼并是一种新的城市现象, 组合的城市形态是兼并型城市最显著的特征.

The transnational purchase and the annexation, already became the global transnational investment the fundamental mode.

跨国收购与兼并, 已经成为全球跨国投资的主要方式.






