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aspire to详情
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aspire to


... public figure公众人物(figure人物,名人;数字,数量) aspire to追求,渴望 linguist语言学家 ...


... appeal to向…呼吁; 向…请求;恳求 aspire to渴望; 希求 in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来 ...


... appeal to向…呼吁; 向…请求;恳求 aspire to渴望; 希求 in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来 ...


... desirous adj (wanting) 想要…的,渴望的 aspire to 渴望,想要 feel like 想,想要(做…) ...

For us, it's something that we may aspire to but can never attain.

对我们来说, 那是可望而不可即的.

Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in four months.


That is not something I particulary aspire to at this moment.


Any man endowed with the required qualities can aspire to the status.


They knew unerringly what to aspire to.


Subjected to numerous and heavy taxes, they could never aspire to political office.

由于要缴纳多种的和沉重的捐税, 他们永远不能想望担任政治职务.

Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in two months.


You aspire to an Olympian, yet their reign is ending, Hercules.

你渴望成为奥林匹斯众神的一员, 但是他们的统治即将终结, 赫拉克勒斯.

There are many waitresses that aspire to be actresses.


If you do not aspire to excellence, you will never achieve it.

如果你不渴望杰出, 你就永远达不到.

They always aspire to be at the top, and they deserve to.

他们一直渴望能够冲击冠军, 并且他们也理应得到这样的殊荣.

Don't aspire to be like me. Be better . Shoot higher.

不要渴望成为我,要超越我. 目标要远大.

I to state that everyone should aspire to have education.


And what have you done to aspire to this honor?'

‘你凭什么要求得到这个殊荣? ’

And thousands of young players aspire to be like him.


上一个:drive at

下一个:dream of




