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英['beɪsnz] 美['beɪsnz]

  • n.盆;[地理]盆地(basin 的复数);脸盆
  • v.凹下成盆状(basin 的三单形式)

名词 basin:
  1. a bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids

  2. the quantity that a basin will hold

  3. a natural depression in the surface of the land often with a lake at the bottom of it

  4. the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet

  5. a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe; where you can wash your hands and face

They left behind their beds or basins as limestone formations that we can still see today.


No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yet been given.


Extreme changes in daily and seasonal climates preceded the retreat of the seas back into the major ocean basins.


On the floor of the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps.

这几个盆地的底部有沙漠 、 湖泊和沼泽.

Too much rain is the problem of the equatorial lands in the Amazon and Congo basins.


" Other shops have wash - cloths and wash - basins too - "

脸盆,毛巾,别家也有, —— ”

Intermontane basins in relatively stable regions subjected to regional uplift.


Cups, basins, pots, bottles, casks, etc., are vessels that hold liquids.

杯, 盆, 罐, 瓶, 桶等都是盛液体的容器.

All three basins are enclosed by the 1900 m depth contour.


The difference accounts for the existence of continents and ocean basins.


Alternatively, reefs may extend linearly across basins.

此外, 礁可横穿盆地呈带状延伸.

They don have even ten wash - basins across the street , and those are all seconds.

裕昌祥里拿不出十只 脸盆, 而且都是拣剩货.

All that was left were things like wash - basins and towels . But he had plenty of those.

他铺子里就剩了些日用杂货, 脸盆 毛巾之类,存底还厚.

The deposition of flysch onto the young floors of chiasmic basins is widely accepted as certain.


In many sedimentary basins the salinity of the formation water increases with depth or compaction.


Subsurface temperature increases with burial depth might cause fluid expansion in most sedimentary basins.


By far the greater part of the hydrosphere, of course, is the ocean basins.


This is important, as folded and eroded basements are by no means uncommon in deep basins.

这是重要的, 因为褶皱基底和被侵蚀基底在深海盆地中决不是少见的.






