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bring together

  • 集合;使……团结起来

  • 使相合或连接,使相识,使坐在一起,使会面,使和解
  1. cause to become joined or linked;

    "join these two parts so that they fit together"

  2. bring together in a common cause or emotion;

    "The death of their child had drawn them together"

They're trying their best to bring together those separated families.


He's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought.


We should bring together the departments so that we're all singing from the same hymn sheet.


The Black church community has sought to bring together Christians from different denominational backgrounds.


You shall be redeemed as soon as I can anyway bring together enough money.


The advantage is that partners can bring together ideas, talents, and money.

好处是合伙人可以集思广益, 聚集人才和资金.

The gardens bring together the beauties of nature, architecture and painting.

园林集自然美 、 建筑美和绘画美于一体.

They bring together the beauties of nature, architecture and painting.

这些庭园,集自然美 、 建筑美和绘画美于一体.

Suppose that we bring together two blocks that initially have different temperatures.


The meeting will bring together elected leaders business owners, students, parents and education officials.

这个会议将会把领袖,商人, 学生, 家长和教育官员召集到一起.

Views bring together data from any combination of tables in your database in a tabular form.


Caesar could not bring together his own troop with swift troops of the king.


The meetings will bring together elected leaders, business owners, students, parents and education officials.

会议将召集当选领导人 、 企业经营者 、 学生 、 家长和教育部官员.

The main drawback is that inbreeding can bring together couples with the same gene defects.


The meetings will bring together electic elected leaders , business owners, students, parents and education officials.

这些会议联合了当选的领导人,企业主, 学生, 家长以及教育工作者.

上一个:successive type

下一个:patch up




