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英['bɪzɪnɪs] 美['bɪzɪnɪs]

  1. the state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity;

    "they manifested all the busyness of a pack of beavers"
    "there is a constant hum of military preparation"

They manifested all the busyness of a pack of beavers.


busyness in the King's business is no excuse for neglecting the King.


Apathetic busyness and puzzled thinking could never prevent the brilliance before.


If you are busy, then busyness is the meditation, she tells us.

“如果你忙, 那么工作就是禅修”.

According to Dr Hallowell this busyness thing is endemic.


busyness, indifference , and fear often top the list.

人们最常说的是太忙 、 漠不关心和害怕.

In spite of my busyness, I found myself staying up almost every night watching the games.

虽然我已经很忙碌, 我仍然每天晚上都观看这些比赛.

You of an age still your work busyness? 2 what dissimilarity do they have?

你的年龄还是你工作繁忙? 2他们之间有什么不同?

They are deciding that their work, their possessions, their diversions, their sheer busyness are not enough.

他们开始觉得他们的工作 、 他们的财产 、 他们的消遣, 他们的繁忙生活是不够的.

A true love is what doesn't busyness , for luxury and moreover for hokum.

真正的爱情不讲究热闹,排场, 奢华,更不会做作.

The busyness that husband is as usual, the day is as usual continuous!

老公依旧的繁忙着, 日子依旧的继续的!

上一个:busy bit





