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by turns

英[baɪ'tɜːnz] 美[baɪ'tɜːnz]

  • 轮流
  • 轮流地,交替地

1. 轮流,交替地:by the way 顺便提一下,另外 |byturns 轮流,交替地 |by virtue of 依靠...;由于,因为

2. 轮流,交替:on try 试穿 |byturns 轮流,交替 | in turn 依次,轮流

3. 轮流,交替的:tug of war 拔河 |byturns 轮流,交替的 | in turn 依次,轮流

4. 轮流:by tricycle 骑三轮车 |byturns 轮流 |by twos and threes 三三两两地

His tone was by turns angry and aggrieved.


We did the work by turns.


He gets cheerful and depressed by turns.


Mary and Jane rode by turns.


Walling and resting by turns , he wandered about until noon without the energy to solicit fares.

走一会儿,坐一会儿, 他始终懒得张罗买卖.

Those of my own life , who by turns had flung.

我自己的年华, 把一片片黑影接连着.

The old Roman armies had several generals who took command by turns.


When George had a fever, he felt cold and hot by turns.

当乔治发烧的时候, 他感到一阵发冷一阵发热.

You two will stay with the sick person by turns.


The two sisters took care of their sick mother by turns.


When John had a fever, he felt cold and hot by turns.


Bereavements and blessings, one following anther , make us and blessed by turns.

丧亲之痛和神恩赐福此起彼伏, 让我们悲欢交替.

When Mary had a fever, she felt cold and hot by turns.

玛丽发烧时, 她感到忽冷忽热.

The two workers carried the load by turns.


She looked at Jane, smiled shook by turns.

她一会儿望望吉英, 一会儿笑笑,一会儿摇摇头.

by turns,in turn
  • 这两个词组都与turn有关。
  • by turns意思是“轮流地”、“交替地”、“忽而...忽而...”( one after another; alternately or in rotation)
  • in turn意思是“依次相继地”(each in due succession)
  • 上一个:Inosato





