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cease to be详...
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cease to be

  • vt.不再是(不再成为)

1. 不再是:cease v. 停止,终了 |ceasetobe../不再是.. |cease fire!/停火 博学在线_职称英语考试

2. cease to be的解释

2. 不复为:Cease Fire Commission;停火委员会;CFC; |ceasetobe;不复为;; |ceasetobe effective;失效;;

3. 不再是来源:博学在线:cease v. 停止,终了 |ceasetobe../不再是来源:博学在线 |cease fire!/停火

4. 不再是来源:考试大:cease v. 停止,终了 |ceasetobe../不再是来源:考试大 |cease fire!/停火

It hurt so badly he wished to cease to be.


Once our services cease to be useful to them, we're expendable.


Once people retire they automatically cease to be union members.


When the rate of interest is expected to change, they cease to be identical.

当预计利率要发生变化时, 它们就不再是等同的.

The results are cumbersome and the formulas in the general case cease to be useful.


Accompany in all our life, never cease to be faithful.

在终其一生陪伴, 不要停止是忠实的.

Stag parties cease to be fun after a while.


Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.


You love life and never cease to be faithful.


When you cease to astonished, you cease to be polished.

当你不再对外界的事物感到惊奇, 那你停止进步也就没什么惊奇.

In that event , the environmental permIt'shall cease to be displayed at the construction site.


This credIt'shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficiary's drafts after Mar.08, 2004.


A recession means technologists cease to be paid amounts to duplicate the work of others.


But for His sustaining presence, all things would cease to be and fall back into nothingness.

但因着他持久的存在, 所有的一切都将停止并回到无有.

Experienced users who to delve into details never cease to be amazed by their depth.


上一个:cease work

下一个:cease doing




