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英['tʃeɪndʒəbl] 美['tʃeɪndʒəbl]

  • adj.易变的;可改变的
  • 【副词:】changeably
  • 【名词:】changeability

  1. capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature;

    "a mutable substance"
    "the mutable ways of fortune"
    "mutable weather patterns"
    "a mutable foreign policy"

  2. such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change;

    "changeable behavior"
    "changeable moods"
    "changeable prices"

  3. subject to change;

    "a changeable climate"
    "the weather is uncertain"
    "unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other"

  4. varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles;

    "changeable taffeta"
    "chatoyant (or shot) silk"
    "a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent"

Someone or something that ischangeable is likely to change many times.

e.g. The forecast is forchangeable weather.

1. 可改变的:做自我争辩 (self-disputation) 的方法包括:用证据来证明悲观想法在事实上的错误;对令人悲观的事情找到其它的原因来解释,这种原因应该是可改变的 (changeable)、专门的且并非针对个人的;做出现实的推断 (realistic implications),

2. 易变的:changeability 易变性 |changeable 易变的 |changeableness 易变性

3. changeable的反义词

3. 可变的:change-speed motor 变速电动机 |changeable 可变的 | changed course 改向

4. 善變的:champion 優勝者 |changeable 善變的 | channel n.海峽.路徑 ; v.築水道.傳送

The weather is very changeable at this time of year.


The forecast is for changeable weather.


Its characters are clever, creative and changeable.

水瓶的个性是聪明 、 富创造力和善变的.

The city has the climate that is changeable in the extreme.


They are manufactured and packed to withstand changeable climatic conditions.


But the weather is terribly changeable at this time of the year.


C. The weather has been changeable recently.

听第9段材料, 回答第14至第16题.

The eastern is plains and the cultivation region is changeable with the exchange of climate.


Easily changeable capacitor and resistor unit, to meet the testing requirements of other standards.

可以非常方便地更换阻容套件, 以满足不同标准的试验要求.

Its features are normative, qualificative, operable, inheritable and changeable.

它的特征是规范性 、 限定性 、 可操作性 、 传承性和变迁性.

Like a woman, it is very changeable.


It is changeable from gram to ounce, from millimeter to inch, convenient to different operator.

该机具有克与盎司的转换 、 毫米与英寸的转换功能, 方便了不同用户群体的使用.

The weather is so changeable.


He has a changeable character.


Racecourse's changeable, also increased rally's uncertainty, this is precisely the automobile movement charm is.

赛道的多变, 也增加了拉力赛的不确定性, 这正是汽车运动的魅力所在.

The current political situation is changeable.


The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.


Its changeable angle mechanism is of vital importance to the integral function of the rig.


The weather here is quite changeable.


In and autumn, it has a changeable climate between hot and cold, and wet.

春秋两季为冬夏季风交替时期,常出现冷暖 、 干湿多变的天气.

Oh, it's a rather changeable.

哦, 变化无常.

The weather in Britain is notoriously changeable.


Her moods were very changeable, now laughing loudly, and now sunk in despair.

她的情绪变化无常, 一会儿放声大笑, 一会儿陷于绝望.

Time is changeable as the distance, while something unchangeable for ever.

留学解答资讯网:时间在变,距离在变, 有些事情始终不会改变!

It is questionable whether or not prices were less changeable in those older days.


Try to remember what and forget forgettable. Change what is changeable and tolerate what not.

我没有耐心全部翻译,试翻译一下第一句:记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的. 改变能改变的,接受不能改变的.

He was very changeable , often blowing hot and cold.

他朝三暮四, 老是反复无常.

The weather is very changeable at this time of year.


The forecast is for changeable weather.


  • A ball dress of changeable silk, pale blue and rose.

    出自:H. McCloy

高考真题例句OG 1.changeable

Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easilychangeable.

不像粉刷墙壁那么累, 也没有一张五颜六色的沙发那么贵, 小的颜色选择带来了容易改变的显著好处。


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