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英['kliːvɪdʒ] 美['kliːvɪdʒ]

  1. the state of being split or cleft;

    "there was a cleavage between the liberal and conservative members"

  2. the breaking of a chemical bond in a molecule resulting in smaller molecules

  3. (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum

  4. the line formed by a groove between two parts (especially the separation between a woman's breasts)

  5. the act of cleaving or splitting

A woman'scleavage is the space between her breasts, especially the top part which you see if she is wearing a dress with a low neck.

Acleavage between two people or things is a division or disagreement between them.

e.g. ...the economic cleavages between the two regions.


1. 卵裂:而是软体动物还出现了横纹肌(striated muscle)与平滑肌(sm-ooth在行有性生殖的后生动物中,生殖细胞的形成也就是精子(sperm)及卵子(ovum)的形成,这一过程是在亲本的生殖腺中进行.由生殖腺上皮形成1.卵裂(cleavage)卵受精后很快即开始细胞分裂,

2. 裂解:HSP70还能通过其他方式干扰凋亡,如阻断Apaf1的形成、增强bcl2的表达等. 在脑缺血再灌注损伤模型中,过表达HSP70的转基因小鼠的细胞色素C释放减少、Apaf1分离、caspase9的裂解(cleavage)减少,从而实现对脑组织的保护作用[21].

...the economic cleavages between the two regions.


The fracture mechanism of AZ 61 + Ce alloys is cleavage.


Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun, you get a glance, then look away.

看乳沟就像看太阳, 你只能瞥一眼, 然后需要赶快移开眼睛.

The intrinsic relationshap between the wavelet analysis and resonance cleavage is discussed.


Miniskirts and cleavage won't work and neither will big hats or tailoring.


Fracture surfaces show predominant cleavage river pattern with a small quantity of dimples in the core.


cleavage and fracture have a strong impact on blasted result for rock mass.


Crystalline fining grain can restrain the cleavage fracture.


Time is like a cleavage, or some.

时间就像乳沟, 挤一挤还是有的.

The energy is dissipated by subsequent bond cleavage reactions into various ' daughter ions '.

这种能量消耗在后续的键断裂成各种 “ 子离子 ” 的反应中.

Are those your eyeballs? I found them in my cleavage.

是你的眼球 吗 ?我发现它们夹在镊子里面了.

Blonde with cleavage and eyes are green, Eco friendly!

金发碧眼的裂解和眼睛是绿色的, 生态友好的!

She does not have great cleavage or a great rack, her breasts are centrally located.

她没有大乳沟, 只是乳房集中定位.

Fracture measurements show that the mode attributed to cleavage fracture.


With the increase of graphite content, the bending frature morphology changes gradually from dimple to cleavage.

随石墨含量的增加, 材料的弯曲断口由韧窝向解理,沿晶断口过渡.

Mary's gown exposes too much cleavage.


Dimensions of the stress and crystalline have influence on cleavage fracture.


In conjunction with other model, the results provide a multiscale cleavage fracture in ductile materials.

综合考虑其它模型, 有限元结果给出了一个韧性材料多尺度断裂描述.

Its microstructure include: dimple, plastic intererystalline, cleavage and mixed fracture.

高锰钢微观断口有: 韧窝断口 、 塑性沿晶断口 、 解理断口及混合断口.

Along with the increase of bFF, in IVF group , cleavage and blastocyst rate decreases.

添加D0血清体外受精胚胎卵裂率较高, 但对囊胚发育率影响差异不显著(P>0.05).

And brittle, no cleavage, conchatus a fracture.

性脆, 无解理, 具贝壳状断口.

  • There is some kind of radical cleavage between the Marxian theory and the historic Soviet state.

    出自:W. Lippmann
  • Anxious to avoid a total religious cleavage with the European Powers.

    出自:W. S. Churchill
  • Sometimes the stone had a natural grain, sometimes the tool-maker created the lines of cleavage.

    出自:J. Bronowski






