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英[kəʊlt] 美[koʊlt]

  • n.小马;无经验的年轻人
  • n.Colt.

  1. a young male horse under the age of four

  2. a kind of revolver

Acolt is a young male horse.

1. 小马:轿车型号有: 蝰蛇(Viper) 无畏(Interpid) 隐形(Stealth) 小精灵(Spirit) 影子(Shadow) 霓虹(Neon) 小马(colt) 等. 约翰. 道奇和霍勒斯. 道奇兄弟曾是亨利. 福特的股东和董事 他们的工厂起初为福特汽车生产零件.

2. colt的反义词

2.colt:computerized on – line testing; 计算机化在线测试

3.colt:communication line terminator; 通信线路终结器

For vain man would be wise , though man be born like a wild ass's colt.


As they were untying the colt , its owners asked them, ' Why are you untying the colt ? '

33他们解驴驹的时候, 主人问他们说, 解驴 驹 作 什么 ?

Jim is still a colt at this job.


In addition of that, an attempt to colt LiMn 2 O 4 with LiCoO 2 in solution has been developed.

除此之外, 还进行了LiMn_2O_ 4表面包裹的实验尝试,采用液相方法在自制的LiMn_2O_4表面包裹层状的LiCoO_2.

Annie was speaking softly to the colt.


He had raised him from a colt, so he loved him.


colt: american firearms inventor and manufacturer who developed the first revolver.

考特: 美国武器发明家和制造商,研制出第一把左轮手枪.

And certain of them that stood there said unto them , What do ye , loosing the colt?

在那里站著的人,有几个说:[们解驴驹做甚 麽 ?

colt 'u2013 A male horse that is 4 years old or younger.


Some of the bystanders were saying to them , ' What are you doing , untying the colt ? '

可11:5在那里站著的人、有几个说 、 你们解驴 驹 作甚 麽 .

Endomycopsis fibuligera G 45 genomic library was established in E. colt C 600 with E.


So they brought the colt to Jesus and put their cloaks over it. And he it.

他们把驴驹牵到耶稣跟前,把自己的外衣搭在上面, 耶稣就骑了上去.

The mare gave birth to a colt.


The little colt shied at the fence and refused to jump over it.


The colt had run beneath the wagon of the other farmer.


That big, wild, beautiful buck bent his head like a colt.

那头硕大 、 野性 、 美丽的公鹿像一匹小马似的低下了头.

Well , Rush Hour has produceda litter, and the colt isn't going to win the Kentucky Derby.

《尖峰时刻》产下了一匹弱马, 而这匹小马是不会赢得肯塔基赛马会的.

A mare and colt cast shadows on a barn in Montana.


She moved awkwardly a colt moves , but with that same grace as a young animal.

她走起路来象小马般不大自然, 但有时也象小动物那么姿态优美.

The experiment was conducted with the soft cuttings of purureus, cherry colt and pomegranate.

本文以三种植物:樱桃砧木Colt、石榴 、 美国红栌的嫩枝为材料.

The colt bounded through the meadow.


The mare gave birth to another pretty colt this spring.


Now the owner of the wagon claimed the colt as his own.


One day, a colt took a bag of wheat to the mill.

一天, 小马驮着一袋麦子去磨坊.

I want you to meet my new partner Jack colt.


She bought him as a 'u00a31,000 colt of six months and schooled him.







