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come home详情
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come home

  1. become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions;

    "It dawned on him that she had betrayed him"
    "she was penetrated with sorrow"

1. 回家:2 教师事先拍摄好自己在家吃早饭(have breakfast)的录像,并显示钟面6:30 . (约7分钟)3 教师事先拍摄好自己上班(go to school)的录像,并显示钟面7:00. (约5分钟)4 教师事先拍摄好自己回家(comehome)的录像,并显示钟面7:00. (约5分钟)

2. 回家;打中:come forth 出来;涌现 |comehome 回家;打中 |come into 进入;得到

3. 回家来:什么动物 what animal | 回家来comehome | 昨天下午 yesterday afternoon

Why don't you come home with me until you sort things out?


My dad used to come home drunk, shouting and cussing.


My mother makes a fuss of me every time I come home.


It is essential that you should come home early.


Some of them have come home for a few days's hard - earned leave.


Have the children come home yet?

孩子们已经回家了 吗 ?

He should have come home long ago.


I used to come home and act out the movie for the kids.


His family raised the alarm when he had not come home by 9pm.


Politicians can fool some people some of the time, but in the end, the chickens will come home to roost.


You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition ; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost.

你不该把那辆不安全的车卖掉, 你的不端行为迟早会得到报应.

Ain'Miss Pitty writ you an'writ you ter come home?

皮蒂小姐不是给你们写过信,叫你们回去 吗 ?

We had precise orders to come home by nine o'clock.


He come home with two brace of rabbit in the bag.


Xiao Li's parents expect him to come home early.


上一个:fall into place

下一个:while away




