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英['kʌplət] 美['kʌplət]

  1. two items of the same kind

  2. a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse; usually rhymed

a poem written in rhyming couplets


...rhyming couplets.


Other or ' group one ' ties methods and so on antithetical couplet by the relative to solve.

其它的均由亲属或 “ 一帮一 ” 结对子等手段来解决.

He could not even make a couplet. He spoke awful school jargon of these modern.


At the beginning of spring, the first thing is posted goalkeeper, couplet.

新春伊始, 第一件事便是贴门神 、 对联.

An influential view thinks of the streams couplet as the compound sentence.


Broad farmer created domestic couplet to produce in rural reform practice contract system of job responsibility.


Antithetical couplet is a kind of traditional literature form, which has a long history.

对联是一种传统的文学形式, 有着悠久的历史渊源.

Mountain and water, water and bridge, bridge and booth, booth and couplet and couplet and plaque.

有山必有水, 有水必有桥, 有桥必有亭, 有亭必有联,有联必有匾.

The couplet has captured in a few vivid words all the grandeur of the surrounding scenery.


This is an abyss, between the sheets , pale white like an elegiac couplet.

这是深渊, 在枕褥之间,挽联般苍白.

There is a couplet which portrays this type of person.


Do acute hepatitis and second liver concern couplet? Can be you infected?

急性肝炎和乙肝有关联 吗 ?会传染 吗 ?

This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.


Whether do you feel wisdom couplet invite applications for a job faces similar problem?


On the couplet , Mr Bao wrote : ' Eternal remembrance to Ziyang. '

鲍彤 在挽联上写著 [ 永远怀念紫阳].

Our country's active farmland runs a system basically is domestic couplet is produced contract systemjob responsibility.


When you write a couplet, pay attention to antithetic parallelism and antithesis.


During the spring festival, I wrote an antithetical couplet and hung it on my door.


Should stabilize domestic couplet to produce on one hand contract job responsibility.


Execute couplet to produce contract after job responsibility.


Rural reform is from doer front courtyard couplet is produced contract system of job responsibility begins.


They are already putting out the New Year's gatepost couplet ? Is not it too early?

他们已经贴出新年 门联 了,不是太早了一点 吗 ?

Abroad uses activated carbon, alone couplet system nation uses ion exchange resin.

国外用活性炭, 独联体国家使用离子交换树脂.

Network economy and exceed limit analysis, division of labor and specialization, trade charge is relevant couplet.

网络经济与超边际分析 、 分工与专业化 、 交易费用相关联.

Before each couplet, there is a serial number, followed by its author and subject.

每副楹联之前有统一编号, 作者和标题.

Is the person's preexistence true with couplet now?

人的前世真的与现在有关联 吗 ?

Should add patch hind right now and start afresh again couplet enters Internet.







