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dead to详情
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dead to

  • adj.不反应

  • 对…无感觉的,对…无反应的

That girl is dead to your feeling.


He is dead to all sense of shame.


Faldo came back from the dead to win his third Open golf championship.


Mother had Bob dead to rights, because she caught him with his hand in the biscuits.

母亲使鲍勃无法逃避责备, 因为他正伸手拿饼干的时候被抓住了.

He was tired after the day's work, and was soon dead to the world.

他一天干下来十分劳累, 很快就熟睡了.

Exhausted by their exploits that day the two boys had supper and fell asleep , dead to the world.

那天这两个男孩的英勇行为使他们疲惫不堪,他们吃完晚饭倒头就睡, 而且睡得很沉.

During two long weeks Tom lay a prisoner, dead to the world and its happenings.

在漫长的两周里,汤姆像个犯人似地在家躺着, 与世隔绝.

Lost in deep thought, she seemed absolutely dead to the reality surrounding her.


How can they be so absolutely dead to all natural feelings?

他们怎么能对一切天赋的感情这么毫无反应 呢 ?

It's 10 o'clock now, but he's still dead to the world.

现在 已经 10点了, 可他仍在呼呼大睡.

We found him dead to the wide on the floor.


I found him lying under the tree, dead to the world.

我发现他躺在树下, 睡得香极了.

I had been dead to all feeling except for that one.


Faith must be dead to doubt, clumb to discouragement impossibilities.

信念就是对怀疑, 沮丧和不可能的一概否定.

He is dead to the world.







