英[dɪ'fɪʃnt] 美[dɪ'fɪʃnt]
"a deficient education"
"deficient in common sense"
"lacking in stamina"
"tested and found wanting"
"insufficient funds"
"substandard housing"
If someone or something isdeficient in a particular thing, they do not have the full amount of it that they need in order to function normally or work properly.
e.g. ...a dietdeficient in vitamin B.
缺乏维生素 B 的饮食
Someone or something that isdeficient is not good enough for a particular purpose.
e.g. ...deficient landing systems.
1. 有缺点,不足的:defer 延期 |deficient 有缺点,不足的 | deficit 赤字,不足(额)
2. 缺少的,缺损的,缺陷的:deficiency 缺乏,缺损,缺陷 |deficient 缺少的,缺损的,缺陷的 | defined 确定的
3. 缺乏的:deficient 缺乏的 | proficient 精通 | efficient 有效的
Deaf people are sometimes treated as being mentally deficient.
a diet that is deficient in vitamin A
...deficient landing systems.
...a diet deficient in vitamin B.
缺乏维生素 B 的饮食
In understanding , Darcy was the superior. Bingley was by no means deficient, but Darcy was clever.
在智力方面讲,达西比他强──这并不是说彬格莱笨, 而是说达西聪明些.
The photosynthesis and the azotaseactivity were decreased in Mo deficient soybean.
Law that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain.
Either abundant year or deficient year, seed yield of high yield clones are higher any others.
结实量高的无性系无论在丰年还是欠年, 结实量都比其他无性系产量高很多.
He is mentally deficient.
The talent helps deficient up just is western the hope place that the area off deficient.
The crops are suffering from deficient rain.
When molybdenum is deficient, nitrate may accumulate to a toxic level in the plant.
当钼不足时, 硝酸盐会积累在植物中达到毒害的程度.
Historicalism, implying a focus on Eurocentralism and content determinism a deficient view of his 2 tory.
Seedlings on left side grown from Mo deficient seed and those on side from normal seed.
There is a potential disaster implication if personal hygiene and environmental sanitation are deficient.
Israel is water natural resources the country of exceeding deficient.
Thin. Term applied to a wine deficient in alcohol, extract and colour, which lacks of body.
单薄的: 用于描述缺乏酒精含量 、 提取物和颜色, 缺乏体量的葡萄酒.
The milk is deficient in fat.
Not to take in cases of yinxu yin deficient, diabetic, hypertension, or fever.
阴虚有热 ﹐ 糖尿病 ﹐ 血压高 ﹐ 发热﹐癌症患者不宜吃.
Ma Shan , precious jade hill is Guizhou minority inhabit a region extremely deficient area.
麻山 、 瑶山是贵州少数民族聚居的极贫地区.
His education is deficient.
A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets.
An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient.
Its are deficient as a result enterprise, suffered from a worker, random team.
其结果是亏了企业, 苦了职工, 乱了队伍.
China is seriously deficient in water resources, both in sources and tor quality.
我国淡水资源严重短缺, 水源性缺水和水质性缺水并存.
Because the heart blood is deficient, the patient felt the house shaking.
因为心血虚损, 这个病人觉得房子在摇动.
a diet that is deficient in vitamin A
I am not deficient in an appreciation of the humorous.
出自:P. G. WodehouseA competent metallurgist, but his knowledge of explosives was deficient.
出自:T. Heggen