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depend upon

英[dɪ'pendə'pɒn] 美[dɪ'pendə'pɑːn]

  1. be contingent on;

    "The outcomes rides on the results of the election"
    "Your grade will depends on your homework"

  2. put trust in with confidence;

    "she is someone you can really rely on when times get rough"
    "you can rely on his discretion"

Remember, happiness doesn depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie


The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand.


The chemical properties depend upon the electrons on the outside.


Drift rates will depend upon both the strain level and the temperature.


We have to depend upon his good sense to save us all.


Convergence and divergence of infinite series depend upon this concept.


The computer is a useful tool which we often depend upon.


The different averages depend upon which trees in the stand are selected.


Resources do not depend upon gross amounts.


depend upon it, we shall win the war.

无疑地, 我们会打嬴这场战争的.

" You are a noble heart. Did I say we could depend upon no better man?

“ 你心胸高贵,我不是说过你是最可靠的人 么 ?

I warn you that you will have pain -- When healing and relief depend upon payment.

如果康复和宽慰要靠付款,我要警告你们:你们将感到 痛楚.

The resulting waveforms depend upon the amplitudes, wavelengths, and timing of the incoming waves.

形成的波的形式取决于到来的各波的振幅 、 波长和同步状况.

The expanded form of the equation will depend upon the selected coordinate system.


Instead of depending on alcohol, A . A . members are encouraged to depend upon one another.

互诫会的成员互相鼓励互相依靠, 以代替对酒的依赖.






