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digestive sy...
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digestive system

  1. the system that makes food absorbable into the body

Yourdigestive system is the set of organs in your body that digest the food you eat.

1. 消化系统:消化系统(digestivesystem)的基本功能是食物的消化和吸收,供机体所需的物质和能量,食物中的营养物质除维生素、水和无机盐可以被直接吸收利用外,蛋白质、脂肪和糖类等物质均不能被机体直接吸收利用,需在消化管内被分解为结构简单的小分子物质,

2. 消化液:Digestive gland 消化腺 |Digestivesystem 消化液 |Digestive tract 消化系统

3. 第二章 消化系统:第一章 总论Introduction | 第二章 消化系统DigestiveSystem | 第一节 口腔Oral cavity

4. digestive system的反义词

4. 消化器系:泌尿器系 - Urinarysystem | 消化器系 -Digestivesystem | 深会陰横筋 - M. transversus perinei profundus

We studied the action of the digestive system.


She suffered from digestive trouble.


Results Reasonable dietetic adjustment can release chemotherapy patients from the digestive system symptoms.


Objective : Survey on the prevalence epidemiology of digestive system malignant tumor in Haikou area.

目的 调查了解海口地区消化系统恶性肿瘤发病的流行病学状况.

These structural compounds are difficult for the digestive system of the pig to deal with.


Result The respiratory tract diseases occupy and digestive system diseases 15.2 %, virus rash and others 6.3 %.

结果呼吸系统疾病占74.3%, 消化道疾病占15.2%,以发疹为主要表现的病毒感染占4.

Fibrada Plus : Daily fiber and helps the digestive system ; Supports normal elimination.


Of disease, skin diseases, bad breath, dry mouth, constipation, duodenum, digestive system and effective.

对牙周病 、 皮肤病 、 口臭 、 口乾 、 便秘 、 十二指肠 、 消化系统也有效.

The human body can adjust the nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system and enhance physique.

可调节人体神经系统 、 内分泌系统 、 消化系统,增强体质.

Liver Cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the digestive system.


It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes.

它会改变免疫系统反应,压制消化系统, 生殖系统,成长过程.

USES: This medication slows the activity of the digestive system, thereby reducing cramping and gastric motility.

用法: 本药减慢消化系统的活性, 因而减弱痛性痉挛和胃蠕动.

Parvo " is a virus that attacks the lining of the digestive system . "

细小 是一种会侵害 消化系统 的病毒.

We studied the action of the digestive system.


Fiber helps the digestive system.


Having problems with his digestive system recently, he decides to take a barium meal.

最近感觉肠胃不适, 他决定去做一次钡餐.

Too rich a diet will disorder your digestive system.


Your digestive system will eliminate the waste in your body.


This article reviews the relationship between the plasticity of BMDC and neoplasms of digestive system.


As we get older the digestive system functions with gradually reducing efficiency.


Potential etiological factor of disease of digestive system: Spondylopathy?

消化系统疾病潜在的病因: 脊椎病因?

And fiber is very important, it helps the digestive system.

而纤维素很重要, 它有助于消化系统.

Stomach is the pivotal organ of digestive system.


Dandelion extract helps to protect liver and maintain a healthy digestive system.


Objective : To study the effect of anxiety and depression in 46 digestive system cancer patients prognosis.

目的: 研究46例消化道癌患者中焦虑、抑郁情绪对其预后的影响.

Pirenzenpine is a relatively selective M 1 muscarinic receptor antagonist and used to treat digestive system ulcer.


Her medical interest is general medicine with an emphasis on digestive system hemorrhage and cardiovascular disease.


The observation on morphological structures of digestive system of Athene noctua has been carried out systematically.


This paper reports the anatomical and histological characters of digestive system of Onychodatylus fischeri.


Lycopene helps reduce the risk of developing cancer in the digestive system , which processes food.


The combination of passionflower and chamomile helps relieve the digestive system.


Large meals overload the digestive system.


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