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diligent in


... 勤勉感 sense of industry 勤勉于diligent in 谈勤勉 on diligence ...

For the future, try to be more diligent in your work.


He is diligent in whatever he does.


They're very diligent in keeping records.


diligent in writing , research local Shi, author of'stability County . '

勤于著述, 研究地方史志, 著有《安定 县志 》.

Ataisite is always diligent in the training ground, practices late.

阿泰斯特在训练场总是非常勤奋, 练到最晚.

He has been very diligent in his work.


She is diligent in her work.


They were exact in outward ceremonies, diligent in washings , fastings, and long prayers ostentatious in almsgiving.

他们对外表的仪式非常严格, 在洗濯 、 禁食的事上很是拘泥.祷告则长篇大论,施舍作给人看.

Mr. Lv Si - mian's lifetime could be attributed to be diligent in writing, and tireless in teaching.

吕思勉先生的一生,勤奋著述, 诲人不倦.

In our dialogue, we should be diligent in seeking understanding and be slow to judge.

在互相交流对话时, 我们应该力求彼此谅解,不要一味批判他人.

Be steadfast in work and life, and be diligent in writing and teaching.

踏踏实实做事做人, 勤勤恳恳写书教书.

In terms of the curriculum evaluation, teachers are the researchers are diligent in recording and reflection.

从课程评价来看, 教师是勤于记录与反思的研究者.






