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英[də'rektnəs] 美[də'rektnəs]

  1. trueness of course toward a goal;

    "rivaling a hawk in directness of aim"

  2. the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech

'u2018What's that? 'u2019 she asked with her usual directness.


She was taken aback by his directness.


Frequent use is the key to directness of comprehension as well as of expression _ r.


I was thrown for a moment by the directness of his question.


YFT series has low and high pressure water pump, so you can have water test directness.

YFT系列已配置高、低压水泵及供压系统, 可直接进行水压试验.

Strickland had the directness of the fanatic and the ferocity of the apostle.


The manager aback by his directness.


Signs are characteristic of conciseness , directness, and intertextuality, with prompting, directing , referential and appellative functions.

公示语在语体上有简洁性, 直接性和互文性的特点,在功能上有提示, 命令, 指示和诉求的功能.

His directness did not go over well, so now Kobe skirts questions about his Lakers future.

他的坦率并没有起到什么作用, 所以现在他避开了有关他在湖人队的未来的问题.

Gold possesses the characters of silence and massacre, which means directness and fierceness.

庚辛申酉西方金,“金”具有肃静、杀敛的特性,金主义, 其性刚,其情烈.

Thisness in philosophy has the both forms of directness and indirectness.


Simplicity and directness in language are always effective.


Whenever you are engaged in a discussion, aim for clarity , directness, and economy of expression.

每当你加入讨论, 致力于清楚 、 直接和经济的表达方式,避免使用会让人分心的说话技巧.

It embodies three prominent characteristics such as directness, mutuality and approachability.

其主要特征有三:强调直接性, 注重相互性及动态相遇.

Art intuition is characterized by perception and emotion, vagueness and transformation, directness and integrity.

艺术直觉的特征具体表现为感性性和情感性 、 模糊性和转化性 、 直接性和整体性.

Because of its convenience, directness and abundance in information, it is very popular in many fields.

视频监控以其直观、方便 、 信息内容丰富而广泛应用于许多场合.

His terrible directness made me feel peeved , and begrudgingly I conceded that he was right.


Its salient features are: financing directness, timeliness and convenience.

其显著特点是: 融资的直接性 、 时效性和简便性.

The reliability and directness of the index system also were discussed.


Childrens envy is characteristic of circumstance, directness, impulse and destructiveness.

儿童之妒具有境遇性 、 直接性 、 冲动性和破坏性.

The surfaces of the objects painted are studied and rendered with great intensity and directness.


She speaks with an almost childlike directness that wins over the most sceptical audience.


He was a man of severely limited understanding but of ruthless directness and great energy.


He never quarreled with the directness and incisiveness of Cowperwood's action.


The eyes look out with directness and authority.


The criterion of productive forces embodies qualities both of absoluteness , essentiality, directness and of relativity, concreteness, indirectness.

生产力标准既有绝对性 、 根本性 、 直接性,又有相对性 、 具体性 、 间接性.

'I like Rupert enormously,' she said, with a directness which made Pat flush.


Using 'I' adds directness to a piece of writing.


I like the openness and directness of northerners.



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