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divide up详情
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divide up


... divide by除以;用…除 divide up瓜分;分割;分配 divide and conquer分而治之;各个击破 ...


... build up 增强; 增强; divide up 配; 配; check out 检查; 检查; ...


... divide...into把……分成 divide up分开;划分 (1)divide侧重于把原来的整体分成若干部分。常与 ...


... Along with sth./sb. 还有某人或某事 divide up 分开/动词词组 According to(介词) 根据 ...

The idea is to divide up the country into four sectors...


The Trust needs a new law to divide it up into smaller bodies.


The aim was to divide up the business, give everyone an equal stake in its future.


Then they would divide up the baked goods and take them home.


Yes, we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations.

是的, 我们需要将我们的时间在政治和方程式之间分开来.

How shall we divide up the work?


We'll divide up the work ( divide the work up ) among us .

我们将 分担 工作.

Because it is possible to divide up your pathfinding area into something other than squares.


We will divide up the money between the partners.


In the bank introduced licensing system, companies will survive the great divide up the market.

在央行的牌照制度出台后, 生存下来的企业将瓜分这个巨大的市场.

Both and collective assume a risk, divide up control advantageous position, share surplus income jointly.

两者共同承担风险, 瓜分控制权,共同分享剩余收入.

If you're going through a separation, you need legal counsel to divide up the property.

如果想结束这段关系, 需要通过法律途径来进行财产分割.

How shall we divide up the profits?


Americans also divide up their school time oddly.


Then take a set of scales and divide up the hair.


The aim was to divide up the business, give everyone an equal stake in its future.


The idea is to divide up the country into four sectors.



下一个:share out




