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do without

英[duːwɪ'ðaʊt] 美[dʊwɪð'aʊt]

If youdo without something you need, want, or usually have, you are able to survive, continue, or succeed although you do not have it.

do without在线翻译

e.g. We can'tdowithout the help of your organisation...
e.g. We've had a bit more money and that, and the baby doesn'tdowithout.

If you say that you coulddo without something, you mean that you would prefer not to have it or it is of no benefit to you.

do without是什么意思

e.g. He coulddowithout her rhetorical questions at five o'clock in the morning.
他真不愿早上 5 点就听到她一遍遍地反问。
e.g. ...those who love France but candowithout the natives...

1. do without的意思

1. 没有...也行:do away with / / 废除,去掉 |dowithout / / 没有...也行 |do/try one's best / / 尽力,努力

2. do without的翻译

2. 没有...也行;将就:do with 与...相处;忍受;对付 |dowithout 没有...也行;将就 |do wrong 做错;作恶,犯罪

3. 没有...也行,用不着,将就:die out 逐渐消失,灭绝 |dowithout 没有...也行,用不着,将就 | draw in (火车、汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短

4. 不用;没有......也行:believe it or not 信不信由你 |dowithout 不用;没有......也行 | not at all 一点也不

This renders it unnecessary for me to do anything.


They do not have to reason in order to shun evil.


We can't do without the help of your organisation...


We've had a bit more money and that, and the baby doesn't do without.


He could do without her rhetorical questions at five o'clock in the morning.

他真不愿早上 5 点就听到她一遍遍地反问。

...those who love France but can do without the natives...


I haven't enough money to buy a car, so I'll just have to do without ( one ).

我没有足够的钱买汽车, 所以只好将就着不用车了.

We can hardly do without the help of the masses.


Can you do without food and for a week?

你一星期不吃不喝行 吗 ?

How can we do without Party leadership?


Dick: I'm so sad. I don't think I can do without her.

卡萝: 喔,不. 我很遗憾.

The store'any, so you'll have to do without.

商店里什么都没有, 所以你只好将就了.

It is very difficult for a smoker to do without tobacco.


With the world economy wobbling, this prolonged conflict is something Thailand could badly do without.

正值世界经济动荡时刻, 泰国此次漫长的冲突对泰国影响极其恶劣.

Try to do without credit cards.


They're charging an exorbitant price for fixing the car, but they've got us over a barrel because we can't do without it.

他们修理这部汽车索价太高, 但我们被逼得只好听其摆布,因为我们不能没有汽车.

The manager cannot do without a secretary.


Prof Sharp is not here, you'll have to do without speaking to him.

夏普教授不在, 你只好将就,不和他谈了吧.

Man cannot do without water.


Diversions wereand there just so much a human being can do without.


Arthas: Then I'll make do without one. What is the Lich King's will?

阿尔塞斯: 那么我将不再需要灵魂. 告诉我巫妖王想要我做什么?

I can do without your advice.


We shall do without a holiday this summer.


No one can do without sleep for very long.


Market mechanism can ' t do without market order. '

市场机制作用的 发挥 离不开市场秩序.

This is something I can do without.


No Chinese housewife can do without it.


We can certainly do without John poking his nose in every five minutes.



下一个:do away with




