n.(名词)- 住处
- 住所
- 支付场所
- 【律】本籍
- 原籍
- 【商】期票支付场所
- 居
- 户藉(法律上的长住处)
- 定居地
- 住宅
- 永久住处
- 家
- 住址
- 公馆
- 多米西勒(音译名)
v.(动词)- 居住
- 使定居
- 使在指定的场所支付
- 决定(某人)住处
- 安家
- 指定支付场所
- (使)定居
- 使定居下来
- 使安家落户
Noun:- (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time;
"what's his legal residence?"
- housing that someone is living in;
"he built a modest dwelling near the pond"
"they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"
Verb:- make one's home in a particular place or community;
"may parents reside in Florida"
Yourdomicile is the place where you live.
1. 注册地:泛指所有不是以本国为注册地(domicile)的基金. 离岸基金的热门注册地包括卢森堡、英国南部的海峡群岛(the Channel Islands)、开曼群岛、百慕达及巴哈马等. 基金选择在这些地区成立,一般是因为此等地区提供免税优惠,