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当前位置:首页 单词大全 doodle


英['duːdl] 美['duːdl]

  • v.乱写;乱画;信手涂鸦
  • n.乱写;乱画
  • n.Doodle
  • 【过去式:】doodled
  • 【过去分词:】doodled
  • 【现在分词:】doodling
  • 【第三人称单数:】doodles

  1. an aimless drawing

  1. make a doodle; draw aimlessly

Adoodle is a pattern or picture that you draw when you are bored or thinking about something else.

When someonedoodles, they draw doodles.

e.g. He looked across at Jackson, doodling on his notebook.

1. doodle的近义词

1. 涂鸦:mm 的家里塞满果酱(jam) 只有 inch 是英寸(inch),飞回一寸为畏缩(flinch),拍进一寸用手捏(pinch),吃掉一寸才发芽 (inchoate) 小蛇在前永远严厉(severe),小花在前永远尊敬(revere) -le 系列: 做做在前是乱写/涂鸦(doodle),种类在前是点燃(kindle),

2. 信手涂画,边想事边乱涂写:32.Diploma mill 文凭制造工厂,不入流学校 | 33.doodle 信手涂画,边想事边乱涂写 | 34.Down-to-earth 现实的,实际的


3. 混时间:doodad 便宜货 |doodle 混时间 |doodlebug 狮蚁

4. doodle的翻译

4. 清理:donutron 一种可调磁控管 |doodle 清理 |doodlebug crew 地震队

I often doodle when I'm on the phone.


He looked across at Jackson, doodling on his notebook.


Actually it is a 3 D rift valley doodle work.


But all of us must have something be proud of, and doodle had become my something.

我们大家都必须有一个值得骄傲的东西, 嘟嘟便成为了我的骄傲.

doodle, scribble and inscribe your memory in a special way so that you may share it.

你可以进行涂鸦,也可以随便写写, 把你们的回忆用特殊的方式记录下来,这样你们就能分享这些东西.

Perhaps, pure canvas shoes and doodle.

或者, 洁白的帆布鞋和涂鸦.

Don't doodle on this piece of paper.


Shark Encounter'started out as a random doodle in my sketch book.


Ding Wen and Xin Mei demonstrate doodle Kids.


At breakfast on our chosen day I brought doodle to the door in the cart.


Studying was not my favorite thing, and i used to doodle on my text books.

我不是很喜欢学习, 以前倒是经常在课本上涂鸦.

This these similar doodle paragraph and the verse, are treasured by me this.

这那些类似涂鸦的段落和诗句, 被我珍爱这.

I doodle on the desk.


doodle, from drawing weeping eyes wall to find my weeping eyes, and weeping inside my heart.

涂鸦, 从画在墙上眼睛流泪一直流到我的眼睛里, 到心里.

Kid, obedient behave yourself, and don't doodle!

小朋友, 听话, 不要乱图乱画!

I've got a doodle sweetheart, she's my Yankee doodle joy.

我得到了一个真正的美国甜心, 她是我的美国骄傲.

Random statistics class doodle, redrawn later as a style comparison.

上统计学课的时候随便画的 ﹐ 来为了比较画风又重画了一遍.

You do doodle on them, I always wrote all over mine.

你在你的书上乱写乱画, 我也总是这样对待我自己的书.

doodle was born when I was seven and was, from the start, a disappointment.

嘟嘟出生时我七岁了, 他从一开始就让人失望.

The contents of doodle in men's toilets and women's toilets are quite different.


The dipsy doodle prices of rice and oil show how unsound the country's economy is.


Yankee doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni.


Take up a creative hobby or at the very least pick up a pencil and doodle.


As soon as I had finished eating, doodle and I hurried off to Horsehead Landing.

我一吃完饭, 就赶紧和嘟嘟去到豪斯海德码头.

Since I had succeeded in teaching doodle to walk, I began to believe infallibility.

因为我成功地教会了嘟嘟走路, 我开始有了自信.

Daddy, Mama, doodle, and I were seated at the dining room table, having lunch.

爸爸 、 妈妈 、 嘟嘟, 还有我正坐在餐厅的桌前吃午餐.

After that, doodle and I often went down to Old Woman Swamp.

从那以后, 嘟嘟和我就常常去老妇沼泽了.

I often doodle when I'm on the phone.


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