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draw near

英[drɔːnɪə] 美[drɔːnɪr]

  • 挨近,靠近
  1. move towards;

    "We were approaching our destination"
    "They are drawing near"
    "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"

Nell at length took courage, and ventured to draw near him.

耐儿最后只好鼓起勇气, 大胆地向他那边走了过去.

No sooner did he draw near her with that in mind than she felt it.


Prepare the buckler and shield, And draw near to battle.

3你们要豫备大小盾牌, 往前上阵.

Order ye the buckler and shield, and draw near to battle.

3你们要预备大小盾牌, 往前上阵.

V 150 after wickedness draw near; they are far from Thy law.

V150追求奸恶的人临近了; 他们远离你的律法.

Line up the shield and buckler, And draw near for the battle!

耶46:3你们要豫备大小盾牌 、 往前上阵.

I draw near to your final welcome.


Stand behind the machine. draw near this plate.

站在机器后, 向前靠近检测器.

Are excuse me we in draw near what should be done during graduating?

请问我们在临近毕业之际应该做什么 呢 ?

Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat and they draw near unto the gates of death.


Those who follow after wickedness draw near; They are far from Your law.

诗119:150追求奸恶的人临近了. 他们远离你的律法.

Oh draw near to my soul and redeem it; Ransom me because of my enemies!

诗 69:18 求你亲近我、救赎我.求你因我的仇敌把我赎回.

Daylighting is very good, village environment is good also, draw near shopping mall.

光线很好, 社区环境也不错, 临近徒步行走街.

Gladly suffering all injuries and loss so all might draw near and repose.


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