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英[ˌelɪ'veɪʃn] 美[ˌelɪ'veɪʃn]

  1. the event of something being raised upward;

    "an elevation of the temperature in the afternoon"
    "a raising of the land resulting from volcanic activity"

  2. the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;

    "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"
    "the artist's gifts are at their acme"
    "at the height of her career"
    "the peak of perfection"
    "summer was at its peak"
    "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"
    "the summit of his ambition"
    "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"
    "at the top of his profession"

  3. angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object)

  4. a raised or elevated geological formation

  5. distance of something above a reference point (such as sea level);

    "there was snow at the higher elevations"

  6. (ballet) the height of a dancer's leap or jump;

    "a dancer of exceptional elevation"

  7. drawing of an exterior of a structure

  8. the act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something;

    "the aggrandizement of the king"
    "his elevation to cardinal"

In architecture, anelevation is the front, back, or side of a building, or a drawing of one of these.

e.g. ...the addition of two-storey wings on the north and south elevations.

Theelevation of a place is its height above sea level.

e.g. We're probably at anelevation of about 13,000 feet above sea level.

Anelevation is a piece of ground that is higher than the area around it.

4. see also: elevate

1. elevation的意思

1. 立面图:立面建模4创建地板和天棚模型5创建天棚上的光源对象及服务台模型6添加灯光并进行最后的修饰操作Chapter5用Lightscape设计商店-制作会员商店透视图1学习Lightscape的基本知识及图面的整理2以立面图(elevation)为基准进行建模3创

2. 标高:ELEV命令可以设定缺省的绘制图形的基底标高(elevation)和厚度(Thickness). 图形的基底标高是指从XY平面开始沿Z轴测得的Z坐标值. 图形的厚度是指图形沿Z轴测得的长度. 命令功能:对三维实体进行倒角,

3. 海拔:函数执行专门任务,如由海拔(elevation)计算边坡(slope),通常返回的是数值. 栅格计算机提供算术函数、三角函数、指数对数函数以及幂函数. ② 栅格数据空间分析函数:用山体阴影函数(hillshade)作用于elevation图层得到立体形态(立体图=hillshade([elevation]))

4. 高程:四、地面点的高程(elevation) 高程(绝对高程、海拔)-----地面点到大地水准面的铅垂距离. 假定(相对)高程-----地面点到假定水准面的铅垂距离. 高差-----两点间的各处之差.

5.elevation:elev; 仰角;标高;高程

His elevation to the rank of a lord has made him very proud.


His elevation to the position of General Manager was announced yesterday.


The city is at an elevation of 2000 metres.


Soon we reach a plateau at an elevation of about ninety feet.


This technique facilitates tube insertion in patients with elevation of the hemidiaphragm and a 'high' stomach position.


This drawing shows what the front elevation of the house will look like when it is built.


his elevation to the presidency


The city is at an elevation of 2 000 metres.

这座城市海拔2 000米。

the front'/rear'/side elevation of a house

房子的正面 / 后面 / 侧面立视图

elevation of blood sugar levels


We're probably at an elevation of about 13,000 feet above sea level.


...the addition of two-storey wings on the north and south elevations.


After Celia's elevation to the presidency, there was a restructuring of duties , along with several promotions.

西利亚新任总经理后, 公司里有一些人事变动, 好几个人得到提拔.

Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

节制: 食不可过饱, 饮不得过量.

River bed in the western lowest elevation, is only 1050 meters.

浑河西部河床海拔最低, 仅为1050米.

This elevation was ornamented from space to space with huge grotesque figures of animals.


Relief : A variarion of elevation in embossing, a raised effect of the images is obtaimed.

凸纹: 由浮凸压印造成的不同程度的隆起层次, 使印纹有浮凸效果.

The center tramway portion depresses below the roadway elevation.


East Union Mineyama peak elevation of 153 meters, is the commanding height of Beidaihe.

最高峰东联峰山海拔153米, 是北戴河的制高点.

The reservoir dam crest elevation is important factor which decided reservoir running safety and engineering investment.


Area of political ping village 840 meters above sea level , is the lowest elevation region.

辖区内的政平村海拔840米, 系全区海拔最低处.

A reversible fan placed outside at a higher elevation ventilates the mine.


Before me and on either hand at this elevation a vast extent of country was disclosed.


It can solve some problems with individual support in large elevation angle workface.


The house is at an elevation of 2 , 000 metres.


Designer should consider the elevation scheme of the 2 nd floor atrium space.


It's quite rare to see a swamp up at such a high elevation.


All trees in any one row are in the soil at the same elevation.


Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

食不过饱, 饮不过量.

Conclusion: The data suggests the implant simultaneous nose floor elevation be a better type of Kenned.

目的: 观察鼻底提升与种植体同期植入后的临床效果.

The elevation and fall of the load is controlled by a cylinder driven pulley block.


What is the installation elevation of this pipeline?


Cigarette smoking also leads to stiffening of the arteries and further elevation of the blood pressure.


  • The disruption of the strata, the elevation of some, and depression of others.

    出自:ssssJ. Woodward
  • His sudden elevation to the throne.sssss S. O'Faol&aacusc;in

    出自:L. Strachey

  • 这些名词均有“高度”之意。
  • altitude指海拔高度,也指离开地面的高度。
  • height普通用词,指任何物体可测量到的高度,不管物体本身的高低如何。
  • elevation主要指山丘或耸立在地面上物体的海拔高度。
  • 上一个:refine





