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英['emɪsəri] 美['emɪseri]

  • 【名词复数:】emissaries

  1. 间谍
  2. 密使
  3. 使者
  4. 特使
  5. 向导
  6. 出口
  7. 排水道
  1. 密使的
  2. 间谍的
  1. someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else

Anemissary is a representative sent by one government or leader to another.

e.g. ...the President's specialemissary to Hanoi.

1. 特使、密使:重新展开谈判reopen dialogue/reopen negotiations/put the talks back on track | 特使、密使emissary | 破冰之旅ice-breaking trip

2. 密使,特使:175. emigration: [总称]移民. | 176.emissary: 密使,特使. | 177. encomiast: 赞扬者.

3. emissary的解释

3. 间谍的:emissary 密使的 |emissary 间谍的 |emissary 间谍的

...the President's special emissary to Hanoi.


The joy of family emissary, personal happiness partners, all of the happy baby.

家庭的欢乐使者, 个人的快乐伴侣, 所有人的开心宝贝.

He retrained as a Sinologist and took a job in Chongqing as Britain's scientific emissary.


Two countries emissary did not finish the job, disgruntled and return.

两国使者没有完成任务, 怏怏而归.

Yet another Italian emissary, General Zanossi, appeared on August 26 in Lisbon.

还有一名意大利特使, 扎努西将军,于8月26日出现在里斯本.

I was created from both human and Haydonite technology to serve as an emissary.


How do they illustrate the service of a prophet as a covenant emissary?


King Terenas sends an emissary ordering Arthas back home. Arthas burns the fleet.

国王泰瑞纳斯送出特使命令阿尔萨斯回家. 阿尔萨斯烧毁战舰.

Silver briefly agreed; and this emissary retired again, leaving us together in the dark.

希尔弗立刻就同意了, 于是这个使者又退了出去, 将我们俩留在黑暗中.

The angry women are hanging around the gate demanding to speak to the emissary.


This filled snowflakes, as the sky is the Toolbar, is an emissary sent by God.

这漫天的雪花, 就像是天空中的小精灵, 是上帝派来的使者.

I am the emissary to the ruler of all the world.


The soldiers need a enchantress, an emissary of the heads of State and some love.

战士需要一个魔法师 、 一个元首和一些爱心使者.

An emissary was sent to France to establish diplomatic relations.


The data demonstrated that the tunica albuginea has a strong restrictive ability to emissary veins.


Build 3 rd Refinery on your Expansion Field and sell the emissary.


You know Findan who maintains our borders, he was emissary to your court at Talonguard.

芬丹一直担任戍边的任务, 他曾经担任过出使贵国塔伦嘉德的宫廷特使.

Deploy emissary near your Expansion Field and wait for it to deploy.


He is something like an emissary of light, something like a lower sort of apostle.

他大大小小也算是一位光明的使者, 一位初级传经布道的圣徒.

He had been engaged in emissary activity before he was discovered.


They found him an emissary.


Dark emissary The effect of Death Scream ability increases as hero gains new levels.


Place down the 3 rd finished Refinery on your Expansion Field . Sell the emissary, que another Refinery.

在分矿区放下第三矿厂. 卖掉勘探车, 建造另一个精炼厂.

Is a mere emissary such as you worthy of Klara?


Ok. I'll give you a tool. Fulfill the mission as soon as possible, my lovely emissary.

好, 那我就赐给你一个工具吧! (从身后拿出一把榔头递给吉姆)尽快完成这个使命! 我可爱的使者.

My young emissary of the Poor People's League decided to deposit me here.


He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary.


The placebo, then , is an emissary between the will to live and the body.


Persia sent an emissary to come to Sibada, want to persuade Laiaonidasi to abandon resistance.

波斯派了一位使者来到斯巴达, 想劝莱奥尼达斯放弃反抗.

  • Even if..you are not Mr Cumnor..they may still suspect you of being his emissary.

    出自:H. James
  • If..the Chinese accepted our proposal to send an emissary to Peking or receive theirs in Washington.

    出自:H. Kissinger


下一个:civil servant




