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英['enəmə] 美['enəmə]

  • 【名词复数:】enemas

  1. 灌肠剂,灌肠器
  2. 【医】灌肠,灌肠法
  1. an injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes

Objection : To improve the success rate of air enema reduction of infant intussusception and decrease complications.

目的: 提高小儿急性肠套叠空气灌肠整复成功率及预防并发症.

Objective : To observe the effect of Bitnal treating chronic Ulcerative colitis by orally and vetention enema.

目的: 观察比特诺尔胶囊灌肠及口服治疗溃疡性结肠炎的疗效.

Diagnosis was established on clinical fi ndings and the barium enema examination.


Barium enema Examination of the colon was made by neoms of a barium enema.


Objective To investigate the anti inflammatory and antipyretic effects of Huanggui enema.


Main production meat grinder, grinding machines, enema machine, Juicers, enema, etc. food processing machinery.

主要生产绞肉机 、 研磨机 、 灌肠机 、 榨汁机 、 灌肠器等食品加工机械.

It analyzed both the material and methods of cleaning enema for congenital megacolon infants.


enema to noodle made from buckwheat, importersshuang li and tendons, strong taste, an appetizers dan.

灌肠以荞面制成, 入口爽利而筋, 味烈, 素淡开胃.

Sexual intercourse was to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation, like having enema.

性交,那给看成一种小小的手术, 像灌肠一样只会惹人厌.

Objective : To explore a new cleaning enema horizontal position.

目的: 探讨一种新的清洁灌肠卧位.

Objective To discuss the skill of air enema in diagnosing and treating complicated intussusception.


And improved retention enema was applied for test group cases.


In the mesenteric MFH, only mass effect on terminal ileum was shown in barium enema.


Objective To study the application of smecta retention enema in children diarrhea.


AIM In order to explore the clinical anb barium enema manifestation of congenital megacolon.


Objective : To explore an ideal therapeutic way of drugs retention enema for childhood ulcerative colitis patients.


Objective To study the value and limitation of colon carcinoma in an early phase enema radiography.


CONCLUSION: The established standard is applicable for the quality control of Kuyushunda enema.

结论: 所建标准可用于苦榆顺达灌肠液的质量控制.

This article outlined it from orally catharsis with drugs method and intestinal tract cleaning enema method.


Conclusion The composure function of chloral hydrate taking by enema is superior that of taking orally.


Insertion may be easier if child receiving enema bears down, as if having a bowel movement.

插入可能会更容易,如果孩子接受灌肠承担下来, 因为如果你已经拥有一个大便.

Do not force the enema tip into rectum as this can cause injury.


Objective : study the effects of retention enema with rhubarbs et al on chronic renal failure.

目的 探讨以生大黄为主的中药保留灌肠治疗慢性肾功不全的确切疗效.

Methods: From January 2002 to June 2004,268 infant of intussusception were treated with air enema.

方法: 对268例临床诊断为急性肠套叠患儿进行空气灌肠整复.

Hard plastic enema tips can perforate the rectum.


Objective To optimize the extraction procedure of saponins from Radix notoginseng for compound Huangqi Changning enema.


Objective To determine the feasibility of barium enema double contrast examination for diagnosing appendicitis.



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