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当前位置:首页 单词大全 exhibi...


英[ɪɡ'zɪbɪtəz] 美[ɪɡ'zɪbɪtəz]

  • n.参展商;(美)电影放映者(exhibitor 的复数)

名词 exhibitor:
  1. someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see

Schedules will be sent out to all exhibitors.


In 1948, struggling independent movie producers and exhibitors finally triumphed in their battle against the big studios' monopolistic behavior.


He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning that if he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase only one machine'u2014a projector'u2014from him instead of several.


All exhibitors displayed their best products.


All the other exhibitors do the same, and stands are allocated accordingly.

其他所有参展单位都这样做, 摊位就按这些要求分配.

VIPs Purchasing Zone, platform for buyers and exhibitors to do business.

特设买家VIP采购 区, 买家卖家配对洽谈,现场签单.

According to exhibitors, organizers recommend products and corporate news conference.

根据参展商要求, 组委会组织企业产品推荐及新闻发布会.

This year, the luxury car line - up exhibitors to further expand.

今年, 豪华车参展阵容进一步扩大.

Entrance Permit will be supplied by the Organizer only to exhibitors.


Therefore , exhibitors shall not make use of these materials before censoring.


Joanna: They say exhibitors are allowed in at seven A. M.

乔安娜: 他们说参展人员早上7点就可以进场.

exhibitors are those professional newspaper and journal editors, wholesalers and retailers.

参展者主要包括:专业报刊编辑 、 批发商、销售商.

Nearly fifty exhibitors have provided pictures for the display.


exhibitors should prepare steel plates for floor covering if necessary.


Note: The space without any facilities, exhibitors have to design it yourself.

注: 空地不带任何设施, 由参展商自行设计.

Helen: They say exhibitors are allowed at seven A . M.

海伦: 他们说展示人员早上七点就可以进场.

exhibitors are strongly advised not to hand carry goods for this exhibition.


VIP Clients: Invite the visitors in terns of the exhibitors'order.

特殊客户: 可根据展商的要求邀请重点观众.






