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英[ɪk'stɪŋkʃn] 美[ɪk'stɪŋkʃn]

  1. 灭绝
  2. 消灭
  3. 熄灭
  4. 绝种
  5. 消亡
  6. 扑灭
  7. 破灭
  8. 废除
  9. 【物】消光
  10. 自屏
  11. 衰减
  12. 绝嗣
  13. 绝灭之祸
  14. 毁灭
  15. 衰竭
  1. no longer active; extinguished;

    "the extinction of the volcano"

  2. no longer in existence;

    "the extinction of a species"

  3. the reduction of the intensity of radiation as a consequence of absorption and radiation

  4. complete annihilation;

    "they think a meteor cause the extinction of the dinosaurs"

  5. a conditioning process in which the reinforcer is removed and a conditioned response becomes independent of the conditioned stimulus

  6. the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning;

    "the extinction of the lights"

Theextinction of a species of animal or plant is the death of all its remaining living members.

e.g. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile fromextinction...
e.g. Many species have been shot to the verge ofextinction.

If someone refers to theextinction of a way of life or type of activity, they mean that the way of life or activity stops existing.

e.g. The loggers say their jobs are faced withextinction because of declining timber sales.

1. extinction

1. 灭绝:近日,在福布斯评出的年度名人100榜中,揭示安吉丽...虽然游戏改编的真人电影<>在宣传期间,一度表示这将是系列最后一部电影,并且还以<>(extinction)为副标题名.

2. 消光:当光波在媒质中传播时,由于光波和物质的相互作用,一般呈现两种效应,一种是速度减慢引起的折射和双折射现象;另一种是光能减弱的消光 (extinction)现象.

3. 消失:处罚(Punishment)行为之产生伴随著一导致未来该行为出现率降低之后果.消失(extinction)先前作为增强之条件无法再持续其增强作用,

4. 绝灭:在进化型式中,绝灭(extinction)表现为线系的终止,即物种的死亡. 绝灭在进化过程中是一种正常的现象,它影响着进化的速率和进化的趋向. 通常,地史上的大绝灭往往伴随着大的适应辐射,表现为物种及其以上分类单元的替代及替代的规模.

a tribe threatened with extinction'/in danger of extinction

面临消亡威胁 / 有消亡危险的部落

The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction .


An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction...


Many species have been shot to the verge of extinction.


The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales.


The plant is now in danger of extinction.


Chinese people do not subjugated, but it faces the danger of extinction.

中国人没有亡国, 但却面临着灭种的危险.

The animals were ruthlessly hunted to the verge of extinction.


It's a plant or animal that is in danger of extinction.


One day our humanity will face resource depletion and the fate of extinction.


In the Endangered Species Garden visitors can see native plants that are threatened with extinction.


Second, they also serve as a way of protecting some species from extinction.

其次, 动物园也具备保护某些动物免于绝种的功能.

The mass extinction of organisms and the sedimentary environment mutation are due to the catastrophic event.


Cantou all women are Hongfen skull token , since Dunru Buddhism , Fahao extinction Masters.

参透了所有女人都是红粉骷髅的道理, 自此遁入空门, 法号灭绝大师.

The large, slow - growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction.

大的, 慢 - 成长的动物是容易的游戏, 而且很快地被狩猎到消失.

Once the wild were on the verge of extinction, the natural ecology be ruined.

一旦野生动物趋进灭亡, 大自然的生态环境也将随之毁灭.

The rate of species extinction already appears to be accelerating.


Greatest extinction Since the End of the Age Dinosaurs?


Psychology To bring about the extinction of ( a conditioned response ).

产生 ( 对条件反应的 ) 消失.

Objective: To reveal the extinction character of ketamine induced conditioned place preference ( CPP ) in rats.

目的: 探讨氯胺酮在大鼠模型上形成的条件性位置偏爱 ( CPP ) 的消退特点.

Whereas the devotion of absorption decreases and scattering increases gradually to the total extinction.


Now known as Austria, the territory the extinction of the Babsbergs the hands the Haburg family.


As delay time increases, the mean extinction time of a meta population decreases.

随延迟时间增大, 集合种群的灭绝时间将会减小.

The island's way of life is doomed to extinction.


The errors caused by prism extinction ratio variation are investigated.


You can display about mediation, degaussing extinction.

你可以调解一下显示器, 消消磁.

Many species are in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitat.


We shall simply be resigning ourselves to extinction unless we carry on the four modernizations.


30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction.


  • Londoners..have uprooted some of the more striking plants of the London area almost to the point of extinction.

    出自:R. S. R. Fitter
  • The progress of an artist is..a continual extinction of personality.

    出自:T. S. Eliot
  • Many times..the Jews would be threatened with extinction.

    出自:J. A. Michener

高考真题例句OG 1.extinction

Already well over 400 of the total of 6, 800 languages are close toextinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left.

在总共6800多种语言中, 有超过400种语言濒临消亡, 这些语言只剩下极少数老人在使用。



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