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fall behind

英[fɔːlbɪ'haɪnd] 美[fɔːlbɪ'haɪnd]

  • 落后,拖欠
  1. retreat

  2. hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.

1. 落在...后面,跟不上:fall back 后退,退却 |fallbehind 落在...后面,跟不上 |fall for 爱上,迷恋;受骗

2. fall behind什么意思

2. 落后,落在...的后面:dry up (使)干透,(使)干涸;(使)枯竭 |fallbehind 落后,落在...的后面[/Post] |fall through 落空,成为泡影

3. 落后,掉队:未能... fail to do sth. | 落后,掉队fallbehind | 对...而熟悉 be familiar with sth.

We can't afford to fall behind our competitors.


Illness kept the boy behind in his school work.


Don't fall behind now, just when you're doing so well.


Don't fall behind with your gas bill.


Put on a spurt, or you'll fall behind.

加把劲, 不然你要落后了.

If your payments of rent fall behind, you will be asked to leave.

如果你不如期交房租, 你就会被撵走.

And those who fall behind get beaten.


Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted.

不要逾期不缴房租, 否则会被逐出.

I don't want to fall behind in my bills.


Never fall behind, keep up!

不要落后, 要跟上!

Don't fall behind with your rent.


Given this pressing situation, we must move forward , or we will fall behind.

形势逼人, 不进则退.

I'm breaking my neck at two jobs so I don't fall behind in my bills.


A few of them fall behind after a long time of playing.


In light time passage as before, is unwilling to fall behind.

灯光依旧的年华里, 不甘落后.

Modesty helps one advance, whereas conceit makes one fall behind.

谦虚使人进步, 反之,骄傲使人退步.

Convergence herd , unwilling to fall behind, is the ordinary normal.

趋同从众, 不甘落伍, 是常人常态.

上一个:fall in with

下一个:find fault




