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当前位置:首页 单词大全 filet


英[fɪ'leɪ] 美[fɪ'leɪ]

  1. 方网眼花边
  2. 里脊
  3. 无骨的纯鱼片
  4. 肉片
  5. 方眼网细工
  6. 网格状花边
  7. 束发带
  1. =fillet
  1. a boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef

  2. a longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish

  3. lace having a square mesh

  1. decorate with a lace of geometric designs

  2. cut into filets;

    "filet the fish"

They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake.


We've got a choice of New York Steak, filet mignon and sirloin steak.

我们有纽约牛排, 菲力牛排,沙郎牛排供您选择.

DEREK: She will have the duck, and I will have the filet mignon.

迪瑞克: 她要烤鸭, 我要腓力牛排.

We have filet of sole , flounder, and baked shad.

我们有上等螺沙鱼排 、 比目鱼, 还有烤鲱鱼.

I'd like a hamburger, a filet o'fish, and two medium cokes.

我要一个汉堡, 一个麦香鱼, 和两杯中杯可乐.

I'd like the filet mignon , medium, please.

我想要一份菲力牛排, 五分熟.

Present the original taste of top luscious material including filet steak, goose liver, and truffle.

炭烤表面胶封其肉汁原味, 再搭配油脂适中的鹅肝与松露提味,展现食材的原味.

Seared sea bass filet on a potato and onions boulanger e, braised fennel.


You cannot make filet mignon out of chopped liver.


If you do not like the onion and tomato mix, try black olive or whitebait filet.


Billy: We'll have the filet and the duck, thanks. And for dessert tiramisu and mousse.

比利 ︰ 我们要菲力及烤鸭, 谢谢. 那点心的话──提拉米苏和慕斯.

C : What is good for the steak? We ordered filet mignon to the captain already.

什么酒配牛排好吃 呢 ?我们已向领班点了精美的肉片了.

We have very good filet mignon today. Would you like to try?

我们今天有很好的菲力小牛排, 您要不要试试?

Then, how about going with the filet?

那么, 配上菲力牛排 如何 ?

I think I'll have the filet mignon.







