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fill the bil...
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fill the bill

  • 合乎要求
  • 满足需要
  1. be what is needed or be good enough for what is required;

    "Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration?"

1. 适合:a 10-dollarbill一张10美元的钞票 |fillthebill适合 | footthebill付账;负责

2. 出类拔萃:fill out 填写 |fillthebill 出类拔萃 |fillthe sails 张满帆

3. 符合要求,适合要求:1894fill in把......填进去,把(表格等)填好 | 1895fill out填写 | 1896fillthebill符合要求,适合要求

4. 凑合:36. 有毛病 have rocks in one's head | 37. 凑合fillthebill | 38. 糊弄人 throw someone offthe scent

I don't have a new one, but this should fill the bill.


Unless it's a museum piece, this simple repair might fill the bill.


The numerical calculation and trail research showed : the flood dam and deep hole traitor fill the bill of dynamic tensely , therefore the dynamic character design is reasonable.


He is the right person for the job. He will fill the bill.

他是这项工作的最佳人选, 他一定会称职的.

' I'm thirsty. ' ' Would a glass of cold beer fill the bill? '

“ 我口渴 ” “ 来一杯冰啤酒足以解渴吧? ”

Applicant should fill the bill of substance in detail.


Unless it's a museum piece, this simple repair might fill the bill.

除了博物馆的典藏作品, 这个简单修复法可以“山寨 ” 一下.

A nice silk scarf will fill the bill for a lady's present.


Who will fill the bill?

谁最称职 呢 ?

He should fill the bill for the extra mechanic we've been looking for.



下一个:do the trick




