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fountain pen...
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fountain pen

  • 自来水笔,钢笔
  1. a pen that is supplied with ink from a reservoir in its barrel

The form must use the fountain pen truthfully tofill in, the handwriting clear is neat.

表格均须用钢笔如实填写, 字迹清晰工整.

I lost my fountain pen.


He gave me a book and added thereto a fountain pen.


I pulled out my fountain pen and wrote a note.


Writing Instrument, Ball Pen, Roller, fountain pen, Massage Pen , Pen Watch.

采购产品写器具, 圆珠笔, 滚筒, 钢笔, 按摩钢笔.

Why does not he use a ballpoint, or at least a fountain pen?

他为什么不用圆珠笔, 至少是自来水笔?

I have no fountain pen , do you mind if I use a pencil?

我没带自来水笔, 用铅笔可以 吗 ?

School shuns tech, teaches fountain pen.


He worked solemnly along , his fountain pen tracing stroke after stroke on the page.

他神情冷峻地写着, 钢笔尖重重地划着纸面.

But then my prized Waterman fountain pen disappeared. And that was going too far.


He is rooting about for his fountain pen.


As I bent over , my fountain pen fell to the ground.


This is the cap of my fountain pen.


Can you twist the cap of this fountain pen off?

你能把钢笔的盖子扭下来 吗 ?

C : Can I take a look at that Parker fountain pen?

我可以看看派克的自来水笔 吗 ?

She took the fountain pen, ink and air mail notepaper and began to write.

母亲在客厅大声叫我,然后把那女人领到厨房桌旁坐下,拿出钢笔 、 墨水和信纸开始写信.

Can I take a look at the fountain pen?

我可以看看自来水笔 吗 ?

Requests the acceptance of a fountain pen forwarded herewith.


The student twisted the cap off a fountain pen.


Finally he slowly slid the cap on to his fountain pen and put away his manuscript.


At first I thought of a fountain pen, but you've already got one.

开始我想到钢笔, 不过你已经有一支了.

Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen.


上一个:fountain jet

下一个:fountain flow




