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英['ɡælɪk] 美['ɡælɪk]

  • adj.Gallic.

  1. of or pertaining to Gaul or the Gauls;

    "Ancient gallic dialects"
    "gallic migrations"
    "the gallic Wars"

  2. of or pertaining to France or the people of France;

    "French cooking"
    "a gallic shrug"

The proposal has provoked howls of gallic indignation.


Objective To determine the content of gallic acid in Acalypha australis L.


Objective To determinate the gallic acid contents in Zhuzigantai tablets.


Flower essential oil, quercetin and tannins, gallic acid, pigment, etc.

花含挥发油 、 槲皮素、鞣质 、 没食子酸 、 色素等.

R & D , production and marketing of gallic acid, gall derivatives, etc.


The best separation, course , is in space: have separate warehouses and processing lines for or - gallic.

最好的分离 当然 是空间上的: 有机具有分开的仓库和加工线.

Objective An HPLC method is developed for the determination of gallic acid in Shiwuwei Longdanhua pill.


OBJECTIVE To establish a HPLC method for determining the gallic acid content in the Xiaoyankangjun tablets.


Iso - army gallate was synthesized by esterification of gallic acid with iso - army alcohol catalyzed by 4 - methylbenzene - sulfone acid.

以没食子酸和异戊醇为原料,对 甲苯 磺酸为催化剂,合成了没食子酸异戊酯.

To establish the method for content determination of gallic acid in fresh fruit of fructus phyllanthi.


In cryptography, an early example of monoalphabetic, or substitution cipher used in the gallic wars.

密码学中, 在高卢战争中使用的一种单表置换密码, 或称替代密码的早期例子.

OBJECTIVE : To develop a method for the determination of gallic acid in Shiwuwei Longdanhua pill.

目的: 建立测定十五味龙胆花丸中没食子酸高效液相色谱分析方法.

That is what an irate Euro - establishment in Brussels is asking as it watches the gallic debate.


Results The gallic acid containing of Geranium wildordii Maxim is 0.012 % , Geranium carolinianum L . is 0.01 %.


And so, with a gallic shrug, Carrefour is closing up shop in much of South - East Asia.

基于现状如此, 家乐福摆出“责不在我,我也没辙”的态度, 陆续关闭东南亚大部分的门店.

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