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go to sleep详...
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go to sleep

英[ɡəʊtəsliːp] 美[ɡoʊtəsliːp]

  • 入睡
  • 睡着,去睡觉
  1. prepare for sleep;

    "I usually turn in at midnight"
    "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"

1. 睡觉:感受完全不一样. 这位来自喀麦隆的黑人Bini上课没带任何东西,刚开始我还担心:看她如何对付这40分钟!可是随着课堂的展开,我看到了不同:她创设了一个从晚上(good night)睡觉(gotosleep)、起床(wake up)、洗脸、梳头、吃饭、拿书包、上学、...

2. 入睡,睡着:goto pieces 崩溃,瓦解;身体垮台 |gotosleep 入睡,睡着 |goto the expense of 为...的目的花钱

3. 入睡:goto school 上学 |gotosleep 入睡 |go up 上去

go to sleep. I've got a long day tomorrow.


I told them to be quiet and go to sleep.


Be quiet and go to sleep.


Every day I exercise before I go to sleep.


go to sleep now ; it's late.

快睡吧, 很晚了.

Better get into bed and go to sleep. '

上床睡 吧!

Will you children pipe down and go to sleep?


He could not go to sleep that night because he was overexcited.


At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so.

到了夜晚, 你真想睡了, 却很难入睡.

Finally, Madam Chou, observing how tired Chueh - hui looked, told him to go to sleep.

后来周氏看见觉慧现出疲倦的样子, 便叫他去睡.

I'd better go to sleep, she thought dully, opening the buttons of her padded jacket.

“唉,还是睡吧, ” 鸣凤叹了一口气, 没精打采地说,一面解棉袄的纽扣.

I would wait for her; I wouldn't go to sleep until she finished.

我只好等着妈妈,非到她完了事, 我不去睡.

' You're tired, go to sleep. I think I'll do the same myself.

“ 你乏了, 睡罢, 我也要养一会神呢. ”

Do you think you'll be able to go to sleep right away?

你现在能去睡觉 吗 ?

Do you think you'll be able to go to sleep fight away?

你认为你马上就能睡着 吗 ?


go to sleep

A:It’s time for bed.

B:But I’m not sleepy, mom. Can I stay up and watch more TV?

A:It’s already past 11. You have school tomorrow. You’ll be sleepy all day tomorrow if you don’tsleep well tonight.
已经是十一点多了。你明天还要上学。 如果你今晚上不休息好的话,明天一天你都会犯困的。

B:I know, but I promise I won’t be sleepy tomorrow. I work really hard.

A:Don’t you have exams coming up? soon? I’m sure you could spend more time preparing? for those.

B:Oh, I nearly forgot the exams.

A:You do well in the math, but your history is not good enough. Am I right?

B:Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I couldgotosleep now and get up earlyto review the lessons tomorrow.

A:An excellent idea. Work now and play later.

go to sleep的近义词

B:I know you’re right. School is more important than TV, but can I watch one more show thengoto bed?

A:No, now is bedtime.

go to bed,go to sleep
  • 这两个词组意义很相近,但却有所不同。
  • go to bed意思是“上床”、“就寝”,bed之前不能加定冠词the,也不能加this、that、your、my等词,因为它是固定词组。在下列的固定词组中,我们也不能加上列的词,否则意义将要改变:get to bed,put to bed,take to bed,lie in bed,out of bed等。
  • go to sleep意思是“入睡”、“睡着”。因此,go to bed并不等于go to sleep.如所周知,一个失眠的人往往在go to bed之后过了很久也不能 go to sleep.
  • 上一个:sleep

    下一个:put to sleep




