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英['ɡreɪʃəsnəs] 美['ɡreɪʃəsnəs]

  1. excellence of manners or social conduct

  2. the quality of being kind and gentle

He is a writer of fluency and felicity , of graciousness and gentleness.

他是一位文笔流畅,措词得体 、 文雅而且温和的作家.

Finally thanks father and mother, thank you to graciousness.

最后感谢爸爸妈妈, 感谢你们的养育之恩.

The acoustic world world steps graciousness to welcome you!


graciousness Asia Medd skin black, smiles also has two small dimples.

恩亚梅德皮肤黑黑, 笑起来还有两个小酒窝.

Among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness.


He exhibited an unexpected graciousness.


But she acted with graciousness and hospitality.


Director: graciousness, the request provides a half year deposit history fund, or the loan may also.

主持人: 恩, 要求提供有半年存款历史的资金是吧, 或者贷款也可以.

If can enter the match, will also face the similar attack cut - throat auspicious graciousness - to wear.

如果能够晋级正赛, 还将面对同样进攻凶狠的 瑞恩- 戴.

The auspicious graciousness is enters in the very accidental situation to the performance profession.


The auspicious graciousness likes the movement, for instance tennis, ski, Sinuoke ping - pong and swimming.

瑞恩非常喜欢运动, 比如网球 、 滑雪 、 斯诺克台球和游泳.

Yan Bangping: First we will use the good graciousness sha existing very perfect marketing network.

严邦平: 首先我们会利用好法恩莎现有的非常完善的营销网络.

The house, of Spanish colonial design, has rooms with graciousness of proportion and beautiful details.

这座西班牙殖民时期设计风格的房子, 各房间都有和谐的比例及精美的细微部分.

In graciousness Asia Medd mouth's that a sillier name, is originally Martin Martin.

恩亚梅德口中的那个“更傻的名字”, 原来是“马丁·马丁”.






