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grateful for...
当前位置:首页 单词大全 gratef...

grateful for

  • 为……而感谢


... Extremely Grateful 感之不尽 ; 非常感谢 grateful for 感谢的 ; 感激的 ; 对…心存感激 Grateful heart 感恩的心 ...


... Extremely Grateful 感之不尽 ; 非常感谢 grateful for 感谢的 ; 感激的 ; 对…心存感激 Grateful heart 感恩的心 ...


... be grateful to 感激某人因某事; 感谢,感激 grateful for 感激的 grateful to 感激的 ...


... fit for适合于, grateful for对…心存感激, impatient for对…不耐烦, ...

Instead of complaining about what's wrong, be grateful for what's right.


He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts.


She would be grateful for their company on the drive back.


I was grateful for the old man's sage advice.


I am truly grateful for all your help.


He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable, nay, unique performance.


She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health.


But so low has morale sunk that the team and the fans would have been grateful for small mercies.


Am I supposed to be grateful for a kindness like this?

这个我也能感激他们的好意 吗 ?

I will forever be grateful for his considerable input.


She was grateful for the drummer's presence, though.


' Hsin - mei won't necessarily be grateful for your guidance. '

“ 辛楣 未必感谢你这位向导. ”

I'm very grateful for your offer. However I've done it by myself.

我很感激您的帮助. 不过,我已经自己做了.

We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.


Dixon said, grateful for nicotine and support of Margaret.

狄克逊说着, 对玛格丽特的烟和同情非常感激.

上一个:grateful to

下一个:grateful rain




