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guardian ang...
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guardian angel

  1. an angel believed to have special affection for a particular individual

(figurative)A delightful guide was my guardian angel for the first week of the tour.


Mama was a dynamo: a hospital volunteer, spotless housekeeper and neighborhood guardian angel, always helping someone.

妈妈是一个精力充沛的人: 她是医院的志愿工作者, 一位无可挑剔的管家和守护邻里们的天使, 她总是在帮助别人.

I'm not sure which professor, but I had a guardian angel.

我不知道是哪一位教授, 但我确实有一位保护天使.

I fell in love with my guardian angel!


Our personal guardian angel resides in our auric field.


It is said that everyone has a guardian angel.


A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel.


Might your guardian angel working in the best interests of your highest, most noble self?


You've got a guardian angel.


Send Thy guardian angel to guard and protect me from all evil.


When we were newlyweds, I promised you that I would be a guardian angel for you.

当我们还是新婚夫妻时, 我承诺你,我要成为你的守护天使.

When we were newlyweds, I promised you that I be a guardian angel for you.

当我们还是新婚夫妻时, 我承诺你,我要成为你的守护车仁表主演电视剧天使.

Do you think that each one has a guardian angel?

记者:你相信每一个人都有守护自己的天使 吗 ?

A delightful guide was my guardian angel for the first week of the tour.


上一个:guardian model

下一个:Guardian Civil




