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hazard to

  • 对……有危险


... hazard to危险 water hazard水障碍;积水处;高尔夫球道上的河流;水障碍区 fire hazard火警危险;[安全]火灾?π?火灾隐患;火灾 ...


... to create moral hazard 引发道德风险 hazard to 危险 ; 伤害 hazard to personnel 对人员的危害 ...

Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.


It is a hazard to health.


There is at present uncertainty regarding the hazard to health presented by crocidolite.


Of greater significance, was the potential hazard to humans using the animals for food.


Electromagnetic radiation poses a potential hazard to human health.


Improper Dress Code is a hazard to You!


Wet roads are a hazard to drivers.


That rock is a hazard to ships.


Icy road is a hazard to all the drivers, especially the green hand.

结冰的公路对所有的司机来说都是一种危险, 对新手来说尤其如此.

The wooden and boat contain small parts, which pose a choking hazard to young children.

此次被召回的木制玩具含有小部件, 若不慎被儿童吞食,有致其窒息的危险.

Smoke obscuration test applied to measure and assess the potential hazard to the obscuration of smoke.


Forest encephalitis is a viral infectious disease, mainly causing occupational hazard to forest workers.

森林脑炎是林区的一种病毒性传染病, 也是林业工人的主要职业危害.

Hazard: The toys have small parts and detach, posing a choking hazard to young children.

召回原因: 被召回的玩具的小零件易脱落, 有导致儿童窒息的危险.目前,尚未收到事故报告.

The wase water produced in petroleum exploitation brings great hazard to natural environment and human health.


With a high incidence of hepatitis B, a serious hazard to human health.

乙肝发病率高, 严重危害人类健康.

上一个:Hazard I





