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英['hʌnɪdjʊ] 美['hʌnɪˌdjuː]

  1. 蜜瓜
  2. 甘露,甘汁,蜜露,蜜汁
  3. 蜜柑,甘露蜜桔
  4. 加甜味的烟草,调香的烟草
  1. the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large smooth greenish-white melon with pale green flesh

Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.

哦, 最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜.

I saw big melons called honeydew at a supermarket, what's that?

我在超级市场看到一种叫做蜜瓜大瓜, 那是什么?

Pour all the vegetables into the centre of honeydew and serve.


The sweet secretion is known as honeydew.


Get a tattoo, eat a honeydew.

弄个纹身, 吃点蜂蜜.

My friend has just come back from Lanzhou, bringing me two genuine honeydew melons.


The special Sago Honey is the combination of honeydew juice sago, this sweet - to - tougue drink suits ladies.

特别的果冻蜜瓜饮料,里面有香甜的蜜瓜果汁,配上一粒粒的果冻, 甜甜的口感最适合女生了.

According to the results, honeydew honeys had higher levels of antioxidants in general.

根据研究结果, 一般而言,甘露蜜拥有较高水平的抗氧化剂.

Fresh fruit of pineapple, kiwi, honeydew, papaya and watermelon assorted , with spicy yogurt seasoning.

凤梨 、 奇异果 、 哈密瓜 、 木瓜、西瓜.佐五香优格酱.

Intense lifted fruit aromas of subtle peaches, Granny Smith apples and honeydew melons.

有鲜明的热带水果,苹果、桃子 、 西番莲果实的香味,清新可人.

The cow bug seems to enjoy this, and presently a tiny drop of honeydew milk appears.

蚁虫似乎喜欢这种敲打, 立刻就有一小滴蜜露流了出来.






