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hot spot

  1. a place of political unrest and potential violence;

    "the United States cannot police all of the world's hot spots"

  2. a point of relatively intense heat or radiation

  3. a lively entertainment spot

...a fancy Manhattan hot spot.


...a popular and lively package tour hotspot.


There were many hot spots in the region, where fighting had been going on.


Nowadays, cell therapy has become a hot spot, and has got some positive results.

目前细胞治疗成为研究热点, 并获得了一些积极的结果.

Cognitive map, also mental map, has recently become a hot spot of research for several years.

认知图又称心象图, 是近年来研究的热点.

Presently, the city layout has become gaugemark off, the construction zone hot spot research area.

当前, 城市设计已成为规划界 、 建筑界的热点研究领域.

Tender offer has become a hot spot with the development of socialist market economy in China.


Nevada is the new hot spot for retirees.


Flea markets are another hot spot collectibles.


The cultural landscape is the hot spot of international landscape architecture and heritage circles.


As the focus of multidimensional data processing, multidimensional index always is a hot spot database research.

作为多维数据处理的核心问题, 多维索引一直是数据库研究的热点方向.

A hole in weld can be detected by feeling for a hot spot on the mold.


Tissue engineering has become investigative hot spot in ocular surface reconstruction recently.


Say, I am in a very hot spot.

跟你说, 我现在处境困难.

And finally look into the distance to the hot spot the systematic developing trend on CBIA.


Power space as an efficient power carrier is also a concentrated hot spot.


But a strong police presence in a supercritical hot spot doesn provide a lasting solution.


Botanical Acaricides are a hot spot in the research of pesticide at present.


Lead in electric overblankets for hot spot detection.


He is facing a hot spot, and has hit the skids already.

他面临着一个巨大的困境, 人生陷入了低谷.

Then looked that some social hot spot, grasps various each kind of general knowledge.

然后多看一些社会热点, 多掌握多方面的各种常识.

Quality education, is a hot spot in educational circles.

素质教育, 是当今教育界十分关注的热点问题.

This thesis studies the boss hot spot by ANSYS thermal solution.


As a result, study on tax planning becomes the hot spot in the tax area.

实践的发展呼唤着理论指导, 税收筹划研究成为税收理论研究领域的一大热点.

Also this improves braking capacity and prevent metal hot spot.


More than 2 : some schools to appear the current event hot spot.

二: 多刊登一些学校同学对时事热点的看法.

上一个:come together

下一个:vacation spot




