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英[ˌɪŋkju'beɪʃn] 美[ˌɪŋkju'beɪʃn]

  • 【形容词:】incubational

  1. 孵卵,孵化
  2. 【医】潜伏期
  3. 筹划,(计划等的)酝酿(期),逐渐发展
  4. (新兴企业的)帮助和扶持
  5. 繁殖,培育
  1. maintaining something at the most favorable temperature for its development

  2. (pathology) the phase in the development of an infection between the time a pathogen enters the body and the time the first symptoms appear

  3. sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body

1. 潜伏期:二、潜伏期 潜伏期(incubation)是指当个人百思不解时,暂时将问题搁置,但潜意识仍在思索解决问题的方法. 三、豁朗期 豁朗期(illumination)是指个人突然顿悟,发现解决问题的关键. 四、验证期 验证期(verification)是指将顿悟的观念加以执行,

2. 酝酿期:Wallas和Olson更对此一创造历程作界定,非常值得设计创造思考教学之参考,Wallas (1926) 的界定分为四阶段,分别为1.准备期(preparation):搜集相关问题的资料,结合旧经验和新知识,2.酝酿期(incubation):尚无法对问题提出新构念,

The birds returned to their nests and continued to incubate the eggs.


The virus can incubate for up to ten days after the initial infection.

病毒在初次感染以后可以潜伏长达 10 天。

...the fateful decision which had doubtless been incubating in his mind for years.


Once the incubation and infectious periods are better understood, the 72 hour period may change.

一旦对潜伏期和感染期已经有了很清楚的了解, 72小时的要求可能改变.

Relationships between embryo weight and incubation time were exponential regression.


The first two, known as the rumen , are essentially incubation chambers teeming with bacteria and protozoa.

头两个胃称为瘤胃, 实际是充满了细菌与原生动物的大型培养室.

Tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings.


incubation for 60 minutes guarantees antibody or antigen responding well with the corresponding antigen or antibody.


The incubation time for incipient precipitation is often a minute or more.


NPA binding was maximal after 60 min of incubation at 4℃.


The four stages of creative thought are preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification.

创造性思考的四个阶段是准备 、 沉思 、 启迪 、 求证.

Following an incubation period of 2 to 3 weeks, affected cattle distressed, disoriented and mildly febrile.

经过2-3星期的潜伏期之后, 病牛感到不适,意识障碍和轻度发热.

Topics include legal issues, technology transfer and adding an international component to an incubation program.

主题将包括法律目录, 技术转移和在孵化器项目中增加国际组成部分.

Observe the cultures several times incubation period.


Article 84 incubation period of yellow fever is 6 days.


incubation and fattening of broiler were studied with Eucommia fruit meal as feed additives.


In this species, either parent may decide to abandon its partner after incubation of the eggs.

在这个物种里, 父母中任何一方都可能在孵卵后抛弃伴侣.

Artificial incubation and growth observation for the nestlings of Great Bustard ( Otis tarda )

大鸨人工育雏及雏鸟生长发育的研究 ( 英文 )

It can provide reliable basis for artificial culture of Trionyx sinensis, the improvement of incubation rate.

介绍了生态因子对中华鳖孵化率的影响,为开展中华鳖的人工繁殖, 提高孵化率,提供了科学依据.

This is done by inoculation and incubation of the nutrient medium.


The effects of magnetic field on biomass C were studied with indoor thermostatic incubation.


The eggs produced by the geese in Hepu are sent to a slaughterhouse for industrial incubation.


Although grants certainly benefit incubation programs, more reliable sources of funding are necessary to ensure sustainability.

假如承认孵化器项目能带来好处, 那么非常多的基金服务是保证持续的.

Many Native American communities are considering business incubation and entrepreneurship support as economic development strategies.


The incubation period is the time between exposure to the virus and people developing symptoms.


The incubation period usually is 8 to 14 days.


Many breaks had been repaired during the prefusion incubation time.


Article 75 incubation period of cholera is 5 days.


incubation was no longer necessary , and the eggs were carefully placed in the special shed.

布子不须再“窝”了, 很小心地放在“蚕房”里.

Male albatrosses share in the incubation of eggs.







