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当前位置:首页 单词大全 inept


英[ɪ'nept] 美[ɪ'nept]

  • adj.不适当的;无能的;笨拙的
  • 【副词:】ineptly
  • 【名词:】ineptness

  1. 无能(力)的,不胜任的,不称职的,不善于的
  2. 笨拙的,拙劣的,不熟练的,缺乏技巧的
  3. 不符合要求的,不恰当的,不合适的,不合场面的
  4. 愚蠢的,愚昧的,荒谬的
  1. not elegant or graceful in expression;

    "an awkward prose style"
    "a clumsy apology"
    "his cumbersome writing style"
    "if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?"

  2. generally incompetent and ineffectual;

    "feckless attempts to repair the plumbing"
    "inept handling of the account"

  3. revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse;

    "an inept remark"
    "it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable"

If you say that someone isinept, you are criticizing them because they do something with a complete lack of skill.

e.g. He wasinept and lacked the intelligence to govern...
e.g. You are completelyinept at writing.

1. 不适当的:inenarrable 难以描述的 |inept 不适当的 |ineptitude 不称职

2. 无能的,不适当的:adept 老练的,精通的 |inept 无能的,不适当的 | nondescript 没有特征的,平凡的

3. 不适宜的:ineligible#无资格的;不适当的 |inept#不适宜的 | insidious#狡猾的

4. inept是什么意思

4. 无能:inert 惰性 |inept 无能 | inflame 使燃烧

She was left feeling inept and inadequate.


an inept remark


He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern...


You are completely inept at writing.


He is totally inept.


He's quite inept at tennis.


Whan an inept remark to make on such a formal occasion.


Ambrose Burnside, American Civil War general, was noted for his inept command of Union forces.

安布罗斯.伯恩赛德是美国内战期间将领, 以指挥麾下北军无方知名.

He is inept at ball games.


I've never heard anyone so inept at making speeches.


The attempt to portray itself as a ' listening ' government has been equally inept.

试着将自己描绘成一个 “ 认真倾听 ” 的政府也同样是愚蠢的.

In the first place, Hoover was as inept at politics as he was superb at administration.

首先, 胡佛精于管理而拙于政治.

He is inept at [ in ] ball games .

他不 擅 于 打球.

He was an inept politician.


Why is the technology industry generally so inept at designing the interactive parts of digital products?

为什么在技术行业中通常无法设计出好的数字产品的交互部分 呢 ?

His inept handling of a minor problem turned it into a major crisis.


They're inept at tennis.


He's inept at tennis.


In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap.

由于服侍太后, 这位无能的司机在这场车祸中没有受到任何法律的制裁.

They ended the season a confused, inept and broken team.

他们带着一支困惑的 、 无能的和垮掉的球队结束了赛季.

It took me about 15 years because I'm mechaniclly inept , thick headed and normally frustrated anyway.

它花去了我15年的时间,因为我对机械很愚钝,头大, 经常失败.

Hoover was inept at politics as he was superb administration.


Some people are naturally graceful on the dance floor, while others inept left feet.

有些人天生就擅长跳舞, 而另外一些人对此却是一点也不开窍. 这是为什么呢?

Due to inept management and bad decisions, the company's profits went down the drain.

由于管理与决策不当, 公司的利润全付诸流水了.

Investigators blamed lack of funding and inept management, among other factors.

在众多的因素中, 调查人员指责的是资金的缺乏和管理的不当.

A brilliant man but so practically inept that he needed help to cross the road safely.


If the rumor is true anything be more inept than to repeat it now?

如果谣言是真的,还有比现在来重复它更不适当的 吗 ?

If the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?

如果这个传闻是真的话, 还有什么事情比现在重复它更不适当的 吗 ?

  • The Air..would contain but few nitrous Particles, and so be inept to maintain the Fire.

    出自:J. Ray
  • Extrajudicial confession..was totally inept, and void of all strength and effect from the beginning.

    出自:Sir W. Scott






