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英[ɪn'dʒiːniəsli] 美[ɪn'dʒiːniəsli]

  • adv.巧妙地

  1. in an ingenious manner;

    "a Hampshire farmer had fowls of different breeds, including Dorkings, and he discriminated ingeniously between the `dark ones' and the `white ones'"

They ingeniously conflated other characters and incidents to provide an opera - comique setting.


The plot of the film is ingeniously conceived.


In the midst of these variations the theme was always ingeniously and excitingly retrieved.


The ingeniously engineered Trojan horse was also his idea.


These gardens ingeniously combine hills, waters, buildings, trees and flowers.

这些园林把山 、 水 、 建筑和草木巧妙地组合起来.

The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived.


Yes. This temple was built ingeniously.


They ingeniously conflated other characters and incidents to provide an op 'u00e9 ra - comique setting ( Andrew Porter )

他们巧妙地把一些人物或事件揉合到一起编出一幕喜剧 ( 安德烈波特 )

It also suggests that hydraulic shock could be reduced by ingeniously designing hydraulic loop.


Its modern, fashion, artistic, natural and practical design ingeniously embellishes and grows artistic life taste.

安邦的造型时尚, 美观大方, 新颖实用,巧妙地为您点缀和衍生艺术的生活品味.

Features: Lightly and ingeniously structured, easy for application , strong magnetic Attraction power and safe in handling.

结构特点: 结构轻巧, 操作方便, 吸附力强,安全可靠.

They're not big but they ingeniously combine hills, waters, buildings, trees and flowers.

它们不大但是把山 、 水 、 建筑 、 树木和花有机结合.

ingeniously, Chrome itself need not take a lot of market share to fulfil Google's objectives.

非常明智, 谷歌不需要铬元素占有市场来实现自己的目标.

This is cave experts'ingeniously - designed in - cave drift project by making use of the underground flow.


More than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls, winding corridors, and lattice windows.

40多个景观被巧妙分开的,由网墙, 蜿蜒的走廊, 和格子窗户.


下一个:ingenious use




