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当前位置:首页 单词大全 jobber


英['dʒɒbə(r)] 美['dʒɑːbər]

  • n.做零活者;批发商;股票经纪人

  1. someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers

1. 证券经销经纪,证券批销经纪;批家:issued capital 已发行股本 |jobber 证券经销经纪,证券批销经纪;批家 | joint account 联合帐


2. 证券经销经纪;证券批销经纪:Japan Bond Research Institute (JBRI) 日本公社债研究所 |jobber 证券经销经纪;证券批销经纪 |jobber stamp duty 证券经销经纪印花税

3. 股票经销商:1979 income deduction 收益扣减项目 | 2192jobber 股票经销商 | 2193 job-order costing 订单成本计算法

David worked as a jobber before he found a permanent job.


The enterprise relies on the acting jobber of countrywide each district to sell a product in the market.


I need to call my jobber to sell some shares.


David work as a jobber before he find a permanent job.


The United States can find dress jobber from the network directly, carry next come over?

美国可以直接从网络上找到服装批发商, 然后运过来 么 ?

Some butcher order volumes are 300, and jobber can offer money only many 100.

有的小贩定货量为300只, 而批发商只能供货100多只.

I need to call my jobber to sell some shares.


So, what kind of effect did agent and jobber produce to market of Chinese home appliance?

那么, 代理商和批发商对中国家电市场产生了怎样的影响?

Therefore, Chinese stock jobber should be prepared , standardize operations in development, and make improvement while innovating.

因此, 我国券商也必须未雨绸缪, 在发展中规范,在创新中完善.

Can does jobber have this kind of capacity? Should have also must have!

可批发商有这种能力 吗 ?应该有也一定要有!

jobber what course to follow, became people attention and the focal issue that think.

批发商将何去何从, 成为了人们关注和思考的焦点问题.






