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kick the bucket

  1. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life;

    "She died from cancer"
    "The children perished in the fire"
    "The patient went peacefully"
    "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"

If I take your medicine, I'll definitely kick the bucket.

如果我吃了你的药, 我就会死掉的.

You're right, and it's enough to make one kick the bucket here.

你的话是对的, 这地方 真 够把人闷死的.

His heirs were greedily waiting for him to kick the bucket.


The wishes before kick the bucket , that's The Bucket List.


His heirs were greedily waiting for him to kick the bucket.


Eventually, the whole thing wears down and we kick the bucket.

最后, 当所有的零件都不听使唤了,我们也就到时候了.

You are too young to kick the bucket.


I'm afraid she kick the bucket before me if she meets you. Goodbye!

我怕她见到你会比我还早死呢. 再见!

Left without a head on her shoulders, she decided it was time kick the bucket.

肩膀上没了头之后, 她觉得是时候该死掉了.

My horse was very sick and for two days I thought he would kick the bucket.



下一个:drop dead




