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英['nɒkə(r)] 美['nɑːkər]

  • n.敲击者;敲门者;门环;挑剔的人

  1. (Yiddish) a big shot who knows it and acts that way; a boastful immoderate person

  2. a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance);

    "open the door and see who the knocker is"

  3. one who disparages or belittles the worth of something

  4. either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman

  5. a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door

Aknocker is a piece of metal on the front door of a building, which you use to hit the door in order to attract the attention of the people inside.

1. 上门推销员:上门服务door-to-door service | 上门推销员knocker | 商品步行街shopping mall

2. 门环:knocked down frame 可拆卸的门框 |knocker 门环 | knot 结

3. 挑剔的人:knob 按钮 |knocker 挑剔的人 | knowability 可知性

4. 敲门者:knocked-down 未装配的 |knocker 敲门者 | knocking 爆震音

At the rat-a-tat of the knocker her heart fly into her mouth.


The elder of the men lifted the knocker and rapped.


When he put his key in the lock of the door, he did not see a knocker.


What a knocker he is; no matter what we suggest, he finds fault with it.


Falls the knocker of my door.


The knocker is oblong in shape, and of the kind our ancestors called " jaquemart ".

铁锤是长方形的, 象 古时 的钟锤.

They are dressed up to the knocker.


The ringing of her neighbor knocker set her heart pounding.


He brightens the brass knocker with a piece of cloth.


Can you imagine a knocker winning anything?

你能想像一个吹毛求疵的人会取得成功 吗 ?

The elder of the men lifted the knocker and rapped.


The out door plantain trees allures a sudden rain, the copper knocker invited some green.

窗外芭蕉惹骤雨, 门环惹铜绿.

Hurrah , my boys, hurrah ! Hurrah, my boys, hurrah ! at the knocker and ring at the bell.

我们到处把它找, 发现它在灌丛里.太棒啦,孩子们,万岁! 太棒啦, 孩子们, 万岁! 叩响门环, 按响铃.

There is nothing particular about the knocker on the door, except that it is very large.

门上的门环没有什麽特别的, 只是很大而已.

Open the door and see who the knocker is.


The rolled cigarette between his teeth completed the picture as he used the door knocker.


This one is a lion with a movable knocker, it looks bit like a towel holder.

这一个用一个可动的敲击者是一只狮子, 它看像一个手巾持有人的小一点点.

Selling gemstones on the knocker will soon become a familiar feature of suburban life.


What a knocker he is; no matter what we suggest, he finds fault with it.

他真是个吹毛求疵的人; 不管我们提议什麽他都能挑出毛病来.

Number 30 has a red door and a brass knocker.


The knocker thudded against the front door.


I ran up the steps and Itried the door and knocked with the knocker.


The salesman pounded the door knocker.


He lifted the heavy, metal door knocker and let it fall.


As Scrooge looked fixedly at this uncommon thing, it became a knocker again.

当史克鲁奇目不转晴地注视这个怪东西时, 它又变成了一个门环.

I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.







