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  • adj.赋予生命的

  1. giving or having the power to give life and spirit;

    "returning the life-giving humus to the land"
    "life-giving love and praise"
    "the vitalizing rays of the warming sun"

1. 赋予生命:in the air酝酿中 |life-giving赋予生命 | global economy全球经济

2. 给与生命的:life-form 生物 |life-giving 给与生命的 | life-insurance 人寿保险的

3. 提神的:life-giver 命根 |life-giving 提神的 |life-giving 给与生命的

4. life-giving的近义词

4. 赋予生命的:被遗弃而无人烟的村镇 ghost town | 赋予生命的life-giving | 赤道 the Equator

Adam was created out of the dust and came to life with a word from God.


His movies often involve inanimate objects coming alive and being brought to life through stop-motion.


Upon hearing what had happened, Indra vowed to take back the life - giving liquid.

听说了所发生的事后, 因陀罗发誓要取回生命的甘泉.

As though the water that spurted and bubbled among its stones, was indeed a life - giving spring.


Happiness is often misty, spraying us the life - giving rain abstemiously.

幸福常常是朦胧的, 很有节制地向我们喷洒甘霖.

Gate of the Life - Giving Power, Open! Open!

赐生 之力之门, 开启! 开启!

Eve in Hebrew means: life, life - giving.


Dinosaur eggs were perforated with tiny holes, which allowed life - giving oxygen to enter.

恐龙蛋被穿微小的孔洞, 从而使赋予生命的氧气进入.

The result is that life - giving juices are in danger of being drained out of education.


The result is that the life - giving juices are in danger of being drained out of education.


It's almost as if they left their life - giving signatures on my flawed flesh.


Mountain home to me into the spiritual life, giving me wide open minds.

家乡的山给我注入了生命的灵性, 赋予我宽广博大的胸怀.

Christ, the life - giving Spirit, has been installed into our being as heavenly electricity.

基督这赐生命的灵, 已安装到我们这人里面作属天的电.

He whose ear listens to the life - giving reproof Will dwell among the wise.


Doing nothing and idling time away consumes life. Giving to others with total dedication creates life.

每天无所事事,是人生的消费者; 积极付出,才是人生的创造者.

He who listens to a life - giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.


上一个:long ago





