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light rail

1. 轻轨:常见的城市轨道交通种类有地铁(Metro/Subway),轻轨(Lightrail),单轨(Monorail)和有轨电车(Tram),其中单轨常出现在中国西南地区,有轨电车多集中在北方区域.

2. 轻铁:对外的交通非常方便,有机场巴士直接到乔治街(George St.),达令港、市中心和中央车站(Central Station)的步行时间都在10分钟左右,饭店旁有公车站通往岩石区和南雪梨,轻铁(LightRail)从Capitol Square站上车也可以到雪梨鱼市场和Star City赌场,

3. 輕軌鐵路:单轨电车(Monorail)及轻轨铁路(LightRail)是畅游达令港和中国城的绝佳交通工具,旅客除了可以在车站买单程票之外,如果计划在这两种交通工具行驶范围内深度游玩,亦可购买约15澳币的一日套票(1 Day Pass Monorail PlusLightRail).

4. light rail在线翻译

4. 轻型钢轨:light quantum maser 光量子激射器 |lightrail 轻型钢轨 |light ray pointer galvanometer 光标指针式检流计

One of the most noteworthy is the light rail Xizhimen station.


Tanggu foreign goods market in the light rail station near the Victory Hotel.


Can the Dalian IC public transit card brush a light rail?

大连IC公交卡能刷轻轨 么 ?

Where you can, use light rail and mass transit.

可以的情况下, 选择乘坐轻轨或大型客运工具(如地铁).

When you can, walk or ride a bicycle light rail + mass transit.

可能的话, 多走路和骑自行车,多坐交通工具如轻轨和地铁.

Where you can, use light rail + mass transit.

可以的话, 搭乘轻轨和公共交通工具.

light rail transit makes urban life more convenient.


Where is the light rail station, please?


Where you can, use light rail + transit.


Where you can light rail + transit.


The light - rail and surface transportation goes everywhere.


Available for use on all trains, trams, Buses and light rail vehicles within Zone 1.

适用于一区内运营的所有市内火车 、 电车 、 汽车和轻轨车.

It connects light rail Transit terminus and West Rail Station at the first floor.


The light rail station is linked with Beijing's subway system, and so transportation is seamless.

高速轻轨车站与北京的地铁线路相连, 实现了无缝运输.

The factory also operates other various models of cars, winch , air, light rail, mining equipment upgrading.

本厂还经营其它各种型号矿车, 绞车,风机, 轻轨, 矿用提升设备.

The bogie separated equipment is the pivotal and large - size device which is nonstandard for light rail.


MTR and the new light rail lines will soon be put into use.



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