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make friends...
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make friends

  • 交友

1. make friends的意思

1. 交朋友:L字不仅表明了我们把物资进出口公司打造成行业领头人(LEADER)的信心与决心,还体现了我司持续永恒的生命力(LASTING). 金色的M象征我们物资进出口公司(MATERIALS),也有交朋友(MAKEFRIENDS)的含义,表明了我司愿意与国内外的客户携手合作,互惠互利.

2. 交友:1 当你学习累了时(be tire of ),可以去旅游,领略(enjoy)大自然的美丽(the beauty of nature),呼吸新鲜空气,还可以交友(makefriends 2 旅游中有时天气多变,可能被雨淋(be caught in 3 旅游前应准备充分,了解天气情况.

3. 交朋支,友好相处:make for / / 走向,驶向;有助于,有利于 |makefriends / / 交朋支,友好相处 |make fun of / / 取笑;嘲弄

You must join a club and make friends.


Mrs. Smith is too contrary to make friends easily.


Try to make friends and show them around your town.


Cats make friends with cats, and nowhere in the world do cats make friends with mice.

世界上只有猫和猫做朋友的事, 没有猫和老鼠做朋友的事.

It was a privilege to make friends with him.


But many students say they like the chance to make friends and near their classes.


Our company's purpose: business class products, a first class service. make friends, explore the development!

我公司的宗旨: 经营一流的产品, 配备一流的服务. 广交朋友, 开拓发展!

I am an introversion but optimistic girl. Wish to make friends with you.

我自己是个比较内向的人,但挺开朗, 喜欢和大家成为好朋友.

The best way to make friends is to be yourself. No one likes a phony personality.

交友的最佳方式是自然大方. 没有人喜欢虚伪的人格.

I hope that he will succeed and make friends with the people he'll be with.


He has a pleasant manner, and finds it easy to make friends.

他态度随和, 因此交友很容易.

I want to make friends with you.


The time to make friends is before you need them.


He told me again and again not to make friends with her.


David finds it hard to make friends ( with other children ).

戴维觉得 ( 与别的孩子 ) 交朋友是很难的事.

I will not make friends with a dishonest person.


make friends . Find out who the best teachers in the school and do what they do.


Do not rash to make friends.


But it can be fun, and you can make friends.

但是这也很有意思, 并且你还能交到朋友.

Though you had a quarrel with Tom, you could make friends again.

尽管你个汤姆吵了一架, 但是你会和他和好的.

You'll find us all wanting to make friends with you.


make friends with a foreigner. Don't make him feel like your language guinea pig, though.

和外国人作朋友, 但是 小心 不要让他觉得他只是你练习英文的白老鼠.

Nobody is willing to talk with her, alone make friends with her.

没有人愿意和她讲话, 更别提和她交朋友了.

Thellos exercise above all provides great reason to make friends with a foam roller.


Mrs. Smith is too contrary to make friends easily.


It's terrible for students to use too much time to make friends and talk on line.


It's hard for a stranger to make friends in this town.


This obviously provides the opportunity to make friends.


I've never found it hard to make friends so I suppose I was lucky that way.


You make friends with people and then make unreasonable demands so that they reject you.


It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the force.


上一个:make a point

下一个:make a fortune




