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middle ear详情
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middle ear

  • 中耳
  1. the main cavity of the ear; between the eardrum and the inner ear

The eustachian tube, leading from the middle ear to Joe's throat, is the culprit.


Objective : To investigate the value of acoustic immittance in the diagnosis of middle ear effusions.

目的: 探讨声导抗测试对分泌性中耳炎的诊断价值.

Objective : To study the CT features and to improve the knowledge of cholesteatoma of middle ear.

目的: 研究中耳胆脂瘤的CT特征 ,提高对其CT征象的认识.

The middle ear is a small pocket of air behind the eardrum.


The middle ear muscle relaxes 2 to 8 ms later.


Thirteen ears were associated with outer and middle ear malformation.


Sound transmission in middle ear and microphonic potential.


You have suffered from acute infection of the middle ear mastoid.


The deformities of the external and middle ear and their interrelations with embryology were analysed.


middle ear infection, also called acute otitis media, is an inflammation of the middle ear space.

中耳感染, 也称为急性中耳炎, 是中耳腔的一种炎症.

You have suffered from acute infection of the middle ear and mastoid.


Surgical repair or reconstruction of the middle ear.


The tube extends from the middle ear to the back of the throat, above the palate.

咽鼓管连接人的咽喉和中耳, 在上颚的上方.

Many scholar have different opinions about clinical relationship between negative pressure tympanogram and middle ear effusion.


Otitis media is due to allergy or viral or Bacterial infection of the middle ear.


During this surgery are placed in the eardrums to relieve pressure in the middle ear.


Purpose To observe the ultrastructural changes in middle ear mucosa after irradiation with scanning electron microscope.


The incus was the most vulnerable ossicle in the trauma to the middle ear.


Of or relating to the middle ear or eardrum.


These cultures proide microbiologic documentation of faropenem's effectieness in eradicating bacteria from the middle ear fluid.


The ear canal also named middle ear splays out at the external position.


In ears with middle ear disease ( case group ), 63 ETs were studied.

在有中耳疾病的病例组研究耳中, 研究了63例咽鼓管.

Objective : To investigate the technique and clinical value of spiral CT virtual endoscopy of middle ear.

目的: 研究螺旋CT中耳仿真内镜的检查方法以及临床应用价值.

HRCT can show clearly the structure of the external ear, middle ear and internal ear.

结果:HRCT能清楚显示外耳 、 中耳、及内耳结构.

Congenital Anomalies of middle ear ( Clinical Observation of 17 Ears in 15 Cases )

先天性中耳畸形 ( 附15例17耳临床观察 )

上一个:internal ear

下一个:sense of hearing




